Published Oct 23, 2007
401 Posts
I will be starting Nursing School-LVN in either Fall 2008 or Fall 2009 and I was wondering what math dosage book was the best? I know that I have awhile before I start it's just that I am horrible at math so I want to get a head start and really know my math by the time that I start Nursing school. It's embrassing but I figure that if I study now and keep it up until I start I will hopefully not struggle!!! This is my second career plus I have two boys 5 and 3 yrs. old and me and my husband want to buy a house soon so I have to do this right-No Pressure:lol2::lol2:!!! Any advice or tips would be greatly apprecited, thanks:idea:!!!
1,547 Posts
dosage calculations made incredibly easy! is very good.
it is usually 40 buck at b&n. but you can get it @
here's the link:
it would cost you less than 11 bucks including shipping. this is used but the same info.. no need to pay 40 bucks.
506 Posts
I like "Math for Meds" by A. Curren. We used this textbook in my online pharmacology calculations course. It was very easy to follow.
I like "Math for Meds" by A. Curren. We used this textbook in my online pharmacology calculations course. It was very easy to follow.--Marci
Thank you so much, i truly appreciate it and I will defintely check out the book you suggested.
dosage calculations made incredibly easy! is very is usually 40 buck at b&n. but you can get it @'s the link: would cost you less than 11 bucks including shipping. this is used but the same info.. no need to pay 40 bucks.angel
thank you i will defintely get that book, i already have i.v. therapy made incredibly easy, i luv b&n it is an excellent bookstore!!! ever since i have put my name on the lvn wait list i have bought about 9 nursing books there, it drives my husband crazy because he knows that i will have to buy a bunch of nursing books when i start nursing school but i have told him that these books will hopefully give me a head start on nursing school. hva eyou bought pharmacology made incredibly easy yet? if so how was it? sorry about the long post:nurse::)
hi missy, i did not buy the book but i borrowed it from my friend last semester (pharmacology class) and used the practice tests . i really like all these "made incredibly easy" books. i even bought their nclex-pn review and it is very helpful. just one recommendation though, you will find out that you can save so much money by using instead. you can still go to b&n store, check out the book then buy it from amazon. you can save as much as 50% sometimes. take care.
i hope you get in next year.
angel :monkeydance:
hi missy, i did not buy the book but i borrowed it from my friend last semester (pharmacology class) and used the practice tests . i really like all these "made incredibly easy" books. i even bought their nclex-pn review and it is very helpful. just one recommendation though, you will find out that you can save so much money by using instead. you can still go to b&n store, check out the book then buy it from amazon. you can save as much as 50% sometimes. take care.i hope you get in next year.angel :monkeydance:
i was just checking through the many pages of this forum and i forgot to thank you so very much for your advice it really did help i have several dosage calculations websites saved to my favorites and i bought a pharmacology book call pharmacology demystified at barnes & noble for $21 bucks!!! and it has practice tests in it. i am defintley going to buy made incredibly easy books they are geat, i have iv therapy made incredibly easy and i luv it!!! and yes can be cheaper thanks for the heads up and i too hope that i get in next year:nurse:i hope that everything is going good for you keep me posted ok!!!
68 Posts
We use this book at my school. I am not saying it's the best, but it's the only one I have. I am going to buy that incredibly easy one form Amazon as well.