Question about ambulatory nurses?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Considering some recent discussions and behavior I've seen from other pre-meds, I'm looking at some other options since right now like I said before is the best time to do it because I'm just doing general education.

I decided I'm going to take the EMT basic course that's offered at the college here because a friend of mine at work brought up how he'd like to do it too and said he would do it with me, so either way I'm going to have my EMT basic certification, and maybe I'll go for Paramedic after I meet the requirements, who knows. Mainly, I still want to get a degree whether I stay pre-med or not, and nursing still holds an interest for me but the main thing I'd be interested in is some sort of specialized nursing like ambulatory, flight, etc.

Does anyone have some info on ambulatory nurses? I know that's a RN specialty because my friend who's an EMT in southern California says each ambulance has a nurse assigned to it in order to administer injections, medicine, etc. since I guess EMT basics don't do that, and that would be the perfect type of nurse for what I want to do.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Why don't you try calling the local fire house and asking if there is a paramedic you can speak to for a few minutes? If anyone is going to know about these things I'll bet one of the fire department paramedics would know. You might try calling to see if you can get through to a nurse manager of an ER and see if you can get some information. A third thing might be to call the county ambulance service and ask to talk with someone about this. If there is an office of emergency services for the county (I know there is one for the state because I see Maria Schriver doing service promos for it on the TV all the time) you might want to try to see if they have any information. Someone has to know about these things.

Specializes in LTC.

Call up the school and ask what kind of liscensing/certification is offered through the school program? Ask what tests it prepares you for. There has to be someone who can answer your questions about it.

Specializes in LTC.

Call up the school and ask what kind of liscensing/certification is offered through the school program? Ask what tests it prepares you for. There has to be someone who can answer your questions about it.

Yeah I tried calling the school today but with all the holiday stuff I don't know if I'll get an answer until the next semester starts. Generally the people at my college don't know anything at all anyways. My college has some good teachers and it's alright, but the admissions and counselors...well, let me put it this way, there's some people who have gone there for over seven years and have no degree and I imagine it's from lack of help or guidance.

I'm actually just going to call the AMR here and ask them if the course at Shasta College is satisfactory to meet the exams I would need to pass to work for them, because that's who I'd apply to anyways. :) Thanks for the info everyone, have a merry Christmas.

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