Question about ADN-BSN and clinicals?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in PACU, Med/Surg.


I'm am a new nursing student and am beginning clinicals in August (YEAH!!!-Can't wait!!!) My plans are to aquire my ADN, and work as an RN while I continue with the BSN.

My question is, do you finish up clinicals with the ADN, or do you continue them through your BSN? I am looking at degree requirements for my school, and it shows that nursing I,II,III,IV are each nine credits while the rest ( nursing V-X?) are each around 4 credits. I am just wondering how these will be taken and if they have clinicals also.

I can't wait to actually get into a hospital so I can see the way things work. I was going to try to work as an aid for experience, but decided to wait since I can apply for certification after 1 semester of clinicals. Didn't want to waste 400-600 dollars that I can't afford to spend anyway.

Thanks for any info!

-God Bless!

If I understand your post, it sounds as if you are asking if BSN programs have clinicals. Yes, they do. Not all BSN students have an ASN. And each program has its own curriculum and view on how different subjects are approached, including clinicals. Hope this helps.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

There are way less clinical hours for your ADN to BSN. It varies from school to school, but usually involves some management and community health hours. Such as working one-on-one shadowing a manager or administrator, or in the case of my school merely interviewing two administrators and doing a paper. Community health might involve many things like working in a free clinic, or teaching (I had to teach two populations).

The ADN clinicals are primarily in hospitals learning med-surg, ob, physchiatric, peds, nursry, etc.

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro.

I actually just finished up an ASN to BSN program and there were definently clinicals that were required. Our first semester (Community Health Nursing) we had to make 5 home care visits and do 30 hours spending time with a community health nurse (I spent my time tutoring ASN students in the nursing lab). Then the second semester (Leadership and Management) we spent 65 hours with a nurse manager. The BSN program was very time consuming and a lot of hard work!

Specializes in Nursing Ed, Ob/GYN, AD, LTC, Rehab.

Im currently in a ADN to BSN program while I am finishing up my ADN, its a early start type of a deal. I will have clinicals for my BSN once I finish my ADN and they let me continue on. Its only one semester out of the two semester I am completing with them. So far its just been writing papers and reading articles, but I am enjoying it!

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