40,000 qualified nursing program applicants turned away in 2009


This article really really scared/discouraged me =/

I think I'm realizing now just how much more competitive the nursing field has become and it's really making me nervous...

I have a BA from a university already, but my GPA is really low. I've been taking prereqs and so far, they have been pretty good but it scares me that even that may not get me into a program =/

I didn't want to scare people w/this information, but I thought it's better to know than to be unaware.

The article I read was from here: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Media/NewsReleases/2009/StudentEnrollment.html

It really sucks that there is such a need for nurses but there is no way to meet the demand to train them all :o


sorry, this was kind of a rambling/random thoughts post...

I don't think this is a bad thing -- when lots of the current new grads can't find jobs, what is the justification for turning out more and more of them? Talk of the "shortage" has been mostly hype for a long time -- esp. since the economy tanked, there aren't many areas in the country that really "need" nurses at this point.

Wow that is alot of students! I know of several people that have been trying to get into nursing school for years. They said that the BSN programs turned away appx. 40,000 students. So I imagine that number is much higher than that when you add in people that are turned away from Associate Nursing programs.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

This is nothing new. The same thing happened the year I got into nursing school in 2006. They blamed in on the shortage of nurse educators.

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