PVT and CA BreEZe fear


Specializes in EM.

My Wife took the NCLEX-RN in California on Thursday. Like many others she did the PVT and got the good pop-up at 1,4,8 and 24 hours.

But she also went to the BreEZe site at 4,8 and 24 hours and noticed an option entitled "Applicant Activities" so she clicked on the options. In there, the options were as follow:

12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination

RN- Change of Address

Submit Additional Documents

OMG did she freak about option 12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination.

Turns out this option is there on BreEZe from the time you apply for a test until you pass.

At 38 hours the Pending notice on BreEZe disappeared and the drop down confirmed the RN status. The BRN also updated and confirmed RN status.

Take home message for stressed out California NCLEX-RN testers.

Don't stress if you see: 12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination

Good luck to all y'all and be well.


Happy and relieved husband of a new RN


Thank you for posting that! Just took my NCLEX today and noticed "Repear/Reapply" on Breeze.

My Wife took the NCLEX-RN in California on Thursday. Like many others she did the PVT and got the good pop-up at 1,4,8 and 24 hours.

But she also went to the BreEZe site at 4,8 and 24 hours and noticed an option entitled "Applicant Activities" so she clicked on the options. In there, the options were as follow:

12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination

RN- Change of Address

Submit Additional Documents

OMG did she freak about option 12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination.

Turns out this option is there on BreEZe from the time you apply for a test until you pass.

At 38 hours the Pending notice on BreEZe disappeared and the drop down confirmed the RN status. The BRN also updated and confirmed RN status.

Take home message for stressed out California NCLEX-RN testers.

Don't stress if you see: 12-RN Exam Repeat/Reapply Examination

Good luck to all y'all and be well.


Happy and relieved husband of a new RN


thanks man! much appreciated, i was freaking out when i saw this same stuff!

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