Published Nov 27, 2005
7 Posts
Hi everyone. I am a first year student who is wondering if i am doing the right thing in choosing nursing as a career. Most of the nurses i speak to do not enjoy the job and are forever complaining about it. I was very excited about going into adult nursing but would hate to do all this hard work to get there only to regret it at the end. I need some positive feedback please to keep me motivated.
151 Posts
Hi there,
Sorry that you seem to keep into the nursing naysayers, I have been an RN in the US for over 20 yrs and hold license in 3 states here. I'm not sure how nursing in England but can't imagine it could too different. I love what I do and always have, I even liked nursing when I was in school and paying for the experience. Yeah it can be tough at times and stressful, but life is also tough and stressful as well. I know that I have always done the best for my patients and have helped my fellow humans in a way that makes me feel good about what I do. When I retire I will be able to look back and know that I had a postive impact in the lives of the patients and/or families whom I have had the privilege to care for. You go on with your education and join the ranks of nursing professionals working to make our world a better place. We need all the help we can get. If you need a hand in school with anything I might be able to assist you in please let me know.... flaerman;)
5,758 Posts
You posted this almost two years ago Wendy, just wondering what you decided to do. If you changed you plans or if you are a nurse by now.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Read the forums here and you'll see a negative slant because we come here to vent. Nursing is a tough and demanding field. Check out the "stickey's" on our general nursing forum for a few positive thoughts. Good luck in whatever you do.