Pushed Around..

Nurses Relations


Just wondering what other opinions there may be out there about an incident that happened to me the other night at work.

A patient had a syncopal episode while being ambulated after open heart surgery. The nurses lowered him to the floor and called for help. I arrived, and began to assess the situation, making room for the crash cart, and applying oxygen to the patient (he was awake at this point).

The RT arrived, and while I was applying oxygen, she pushed me (physically pushed my arm) away from the patient. No verbal warning, no, "excuse me", nothing.

I looked at her and stated assertively, "There is no need to push me, we are all here to help the patient." and continued to work with the patient.

I do not feel comfortable speaking with the RT at this time. She is a bully and has been rude and unprofessional other times towards me. So, I tried to use a 3rd party to discuss the matter a few hours later and she was defensive, stating that it's bound to happen in those types of situations and that's just how she does things. She tried to tell me that I was in the wrong for being in the way. I explained to her that she could have asked me to move or tap my shoulder, but pushing is not appropriate. She continued to deny her mistake.

At this point she said, "It's over and done with, and I'm not talking about it any more."

So, I have just spoken with her manager about the incident.

Have I taken this too far?

Specializes in Post Anesthesia.

"... It's bound to happen in those types of situations and that's just how she does things." ???? I think I would have explained, what if you had a tendancy to punch people in the nose "inadvertantly" when they push you out of the way when you are focused on helping a patient. Would she be OK with that since is would be "just how you do things".? I would certainly talk to her boss or your boss. You aren't going to make a friend here, but I would make it most clear that you will not tolerate being physically assaulted reguardless of the circumstances and you will take it up through the chain of command if anything even close to this happens again. That type of bullying in way out of line and cannot be tolerated in any workplace.

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
... she is "just that way."

That is the most ridiculous defense I have ever heard...


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