pTEC October 2009 LPN Program


is there anyone applying to the ptec october lpn program (clearwater campus), trying to attend it on the eayl program through morton plant/baycare? i just had my first interview and was curious as to how many others are trying to go through their program.


had my 2nd interview for eayl wednesday and rec'd "the call" today ... i'm in! they offered me the lpn trainee position --- i have orientation on october 12th .... i can't believe it! i'm excited and nervous all at the same time :sstrs:

OMG! That's so great congrats! so have you applied for the LPN thing at the school? because weren't you trying to do the RN thing as well? Lucky you got on with them..keep me posted!

thank you ... yes, i applied at ptec but also at baycare .... you have to do both ... kind of silly, but hey, at least i'm in and moving forward now. and yes, i do want to do the lpn-rn bridge, but that will be a few years from now ... i want to get some experience under my belt first .... i have 15 months of this, then a 3 year contract with baycare. they will also put me thru the rn bridge program, but i could also put myself thru school and avoid signing on with them for another 3 years .... if i am happy with baycare, i will definately go thru the bridge program with them as well.

did you apply for october days at ptec also?

no, I'm attending SPC right now and I'm PLANNING on attending their nursing program!! although I hear its wayy hard to get into which scares me..because this is my dream/plan!! But I've heard many ppl saying that they didnt get into the nursing program so they are doing the LPN thing.

I looked into the EAYL thing.. and I already have my CNA so I don't know if I would qualify... and for the nursing EAYL I still need to finish my pre rec's! So I'm STUCK!! lol

It's so good that you have your foot in though!! and the fact that you will have the option to keep going for you RN and staying with them

I've applied to so many CNA positions in hospitals but most want you to have experience and be able to do EKG's and such... idk I'll have to get my foot in somewhere too! I'm thinking if I can get on at an LTC/ nursing home.. I'll get experience and in 6 mo. to a year try to get on a hospital again... I'm getting ahead of myself again.. but also lol the EAYL thing is great.. but as an RN when you work your 3 yrs. you don't have the choice of picking where or when or the unit you work on.. that kind of stinks..but at the same time you KNOW YOU HAVE A GOOD JOB!

no, i'm attending spc right now and i'm planning on attending their nursing program!! although i hear its wayy hard to get into which scares me..because this is my dream/plan!! but i've heard many ppl saying that they didnt get into the nursing program so they are doing the lpn thing.

i looked into the eayl thing.. and i already have my cna so i don't know if i would qualify... and for the nursing eayl i still need to finish my pre rec's! so i'm stuck!! lol

you would be able to do the lpn/eayl ... no pre-reqs are needed. i've tried for the last 4 years to get into spcs rn and finally gave up ... that is why i am going the lpn route first, then bridge ..... i figure at least this way i'm not wasting another year trying to get into the rn and gain the experience as an lpn when going into the rn is also easier to go into the program via the bridge to rn

four years?! that's crazy! well I guess I'll finish up my basic classes..and see how things go from there! I hope I'm accepted and won't need to worry..but thanks so much for the input! do you know why its easier to get into the program after being an lpn?! thanks n good luck! let me know too how the lpn works out

actually, it's been longer than that! i've been trying to get into nursing school at spc since way back in the day when they had waiting lists. that was next to impossible to get into as well, so i gave up on it until about 4 years ago ... been applying to both spc and phcc with no luck .... made alternate once -- just wish i would have known about this eayl program back then -- i would have applied to do the rn thru them. in any event, i'm just happy i can finally get into nursing.

do you know if you can apply to the RN EAYL thing before getting accepted to the SPC nursing program?!

do you know if you can apply to the rn eayl thing before getting accepted to the spc nursing program?!

yes, you can. but you have to apply to the eayl program, via baycare website. i think they are still taking applications for it now. go to their website and check out the requirements. you only need a 2.5 gpa and need to have all the pre-reqs listed on their site completed before applying. you do not need micro completed to appy for baycare. they will conduct interviews, and if selected, then they tell you first - to see if you accept their offer - if accepted, then you become an employee of baycare - they, in turn, notify spc that you have been selected. they have "x" amount of spots at spc reserved just for their program.

so, in my case, ptec is accepting i think 48 students and of those students, 6 spots are saved for baycare employees. i was accepted into ptecs program on friday, by accepting baycare's offer of employment. i don't even think ptec has done their selection/notifications yet to the other students applying and not going thru baycare.

plz pm me if you want more info .... i'll help you out if i can.

has anyone heard yet if they have been accepted into the october 2009 lpn program at ptec / clearwater campus? anyone accepted by baycare?

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