Published Sep 29, 2009
abundantjoy07, RN
740 Posts
Why is the PT/PTT so important on ESRD patients?
I'm wondering because I've had two admits with ESRD and the docs are always asking about the PT/PTT. I'm just wondering if there's a special relationship between the two.
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
People with ESRD can have platelet dysfunction and alterations in clotting factors, putting them at risk of hemorrhage. The PT and PTT alone and in combination give the physician information about the patient's risk for bleeding.
A person can have a normal PT and an abnormal PTT, or vice versa, and these mean different things to the clinician.
222 Posts
To add to that ....Pt's with ESRD who are on Hemodialysis typically recieve a bolus of heparin during treatments to reduce the risk of clotting while on the machine and losing blood. Although they monitor PTT in the out pt setting they are usually only monitored monthly or bi-monthly depending on facility protocols.