Could someone please tell me what exactly is meant by the terms "passive-aggressive" and "borderline personality"?
I just got off the phone with someone who called another person's behavior "passive-aggressive" because they missed an appointment because the person had a car problem, for pete's sake! And anyone who is disliked by this same person, for whatever reason, has a "borderline personality."
Oh, really? :stone
Maybe I should've posted this in the Pet Peeves thread, but it does really torque me when people who know nothing about psych diagnoses start throwing these terms around for no other good reason than they don't like the person they're talking about. It's almost as if a derogatory amateur psych diagnosis is the New Age Insult.
IMHO, that behavior tells me a lot more about the person doing the name-calling.
Any words of enlightenment from any real psych nurses would be appreciated.