Published Apr 22, 2012
2 Posts
Ok, I took to psb pn test last month. Thought I did well on most, but I bombed the judgement and comprehension part. I really thought I did well on that part... some of the questions had such obvious answers, but maybe not? I am really confused? Just for example, "if your resident fell out of bed and was lying on the floor what do you do?" A)help her back in bed and restrain her, then get the charge nurse B) leave her there and tell the charge nurse and file a accident report. Those were the two iffy right answers, but I chose A and I think the correct was B. So I am confused... do I tell the charge nurse first on my accidents? or problems. I though being a nurse, you have to determine the situation for yourself and make those decisions. Any help on this part will be very appreciated.. thanks:)
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
I would have picked B because you need to assess the patient for injuries. What about broken bones? Mabye there could be a hip fracture or worse. The patient cant get any worse being left in place until you get help.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
One of the reasons A is wrong is that it states you would restrain the patient. This is a red flag. Restraints require a physician's order and are time limited with specific protocols. I did not have to take a pub exam so I am not familiar with it, but if those were the only two choices, B would be better
How can we study for the PSB-PN Judgement and Comprehension in Nursing Situations section of the exam?
FashionablyL8, CNA, LPN
142 Posts
I've noticed a lot of nursing questions in general have an answer the looks good but throws in something that you need an order for, like restraints.
I agree B looked better but then we are always told never to leave a pt. What were the other answers that didn't sound right, if you remember? I'm curious.