PSB for Collin College

U.S.A. Texas


Hi all, I just took the PSB for Collin College and am stressed out to the max. I'm really nervous and have no idea how I did. I feel I did ok but just not sure. If I get all six points then I will have 15 total. If I don't then I don't think I have a shot at getting in to Collin. Anyone else here applied to Collin for Fall 2014?

Dr. Donna Cain, i loved her! Who did you have?

I had Dr. Mary Weis I loved her but she was tough with a lot if of the best teachers I have had!!!!!

I thought Dr. Cain was fairly easy although there was a lot of material. I liked the way she taught and presented it. I've heard good things about Dr. Weis too. I almost took her, but her classes didn't fit my schedule. I'm hoping to get my results today, I'm going to be terrified to open then though lol

Oh my gosh I I don't want to go up to the school for my results bc if I didn't do well I don't want to have them tell me I rather just open and see but I not sure if I can't wait much longer lol I just wish I knew what it took to score on the 70% for the reading!!!

Did you get your results today...I called and mine are in so I am hoping tomorrow I will have them in the mail!!!

Yea i got them. Only 1 point on reading, ugh. I got 99% on 3 sections and like 96% on the others. So i kicked ass abs still only got 5/6, so I'm not getting in this time

Oh no!!! How many on the reading did you get right??

I got 52% dont have the raw score right now, I'll try to look in a bit. I think if you didn't worry about the time you did ok

Did you get your results yet? How did you do? I'm still praying I will get in but I'm not sure. From what a friend told me I may actually have a 3.7 GPA, depending on which classes they count. I'm calling tomorrow to find out for myself which ones they look at. If the 3.7 is correct then I do have 15 /16 points. Hoping that is the case but I'm not sure yet. Do you know exactly which classes count for the GPA? The website said the ones applicable to the nursing program but I'm not sure which ones those are.

Hey Ya'll,

I also applied for Fall 2014. Very nervous! I am a transfer student, have a previous Associates degree, and have 16/16 points (10 from courses, and 6 from PSB). When do they send out letters? Good luck to all of you!! Has anyone heard anything about how many people applied for Fall 2014?

For GPA they look at:

Pre-Requisites Credit Hours

BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I (Pre-requisite 1406) 4

BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II 4

BIOL 2420 Microbiology 4

ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3

PSYC 2301 General Psychology 3

PSYC 2314 Lifespan Psychology 3

Humanities/Fine Arts/ Philosophy 3

I wasn't sure if they counted the pre-reqs as part of the overall GPA, but when I talked with the adviser (who used to work in the nursing department) she counted them. I hope this helps :)

Hey!! I got 5/6 on the test so I have 15/ who knows!! They take a GPA for just the sciences then they do an overall that includes the three science then the the psychology classes the English and the art or humanities class so between those two gpa you can get up to 6 points!!! Good luck!!!

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