Providence Scholars Program



Has anyone received word for the Providence Scholars program? I tried calling the nursing school but no one ever picked up.

Also, if anyone out there is or was a Prov Scholar, could you let us know any positive/negative thoughts you have on it?


Thanks for the update ashni :) did she happen to say if they have made the final picks yet?

Nope, she didn't say one way or the other--her whole e-mail to me was contained in my message, haha. :) My guess would be they haven't quite completed it, otherwise I would imagine that they'd be sending out the letters today, not as possibly late as Tuesday? Not sure, though.

Specializes in Medical-surgical telemetry.

good luck to everyone! Hopefully we will hear something Wednesday (:

Anyone have any news??? Keeping fingers crossed for everyone!

Nope nothing here ): I wonder if they are going to send an email first , like they did with the interview??? I cant wait to find out either way, my nerves are going crazy.... I no longer have finger nails lol

Just in case anyone is checking this thread but not the "Acceptance letters????" thread, smASHthis got a letter today! Looks like our long, long wait is almost over.....

I just got my letter today and I didn't get it :( but best of luck to those still waiting! And congrats to those who recieved it :)!!

Specializes in Medical-surgical telemetry.

GVTA, sorry to hear you didn't get it. I'm sure everything will work out just great for you though!

I got it! I'll see you guys at UP in excited!!!

How much do I wish I didn't live in CA right now....this wait is KILLING me. But congratulations, kirstyne!!! And good luck, GVTA, I know you'll make it work. :)

So I finally caved and e-mailed Barbara.......and I got it!!!!!!!!!!! See you guys in spring!!

Congrats Ashni!!!!!! Are you in the spring cohort?! Can't wait to start!

Thank you!! I am indeed in the spring cohort--how about you?

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