Published Aug 27, 2005
Sapphy, BSN, RN
87 Posts
Well, I know it is nothing to get overly excited about but I have been runig scared of IV's since I was allowed to touch them last year in nursing school. Last night I finally started my first (and second cuz he ripped it out) IV!! Got it on the first shot too. I had a professor tell me once I might as well give up the idea of nursing because my hands get too shaky... so I have been avoiding IV's for a long time. You know what? My hands don't shake when it matters :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Awesome! Keep up the good work!
1,378 Posts
I once worked with an opthamologist who shook terribly: until he was operating on the eye and then his hands were rock steady!!
Your professor had no right to say that to you. Maybe that's why she is teaching nursing and not at the bedside. Can you tell that I think many nursing professors are useless as well as a total waste of the student's time?
I once worked with an opthamologist who shook terribly: until he was operating on the eye and then his hands were rock steady!!Your professor had no right to say that to you. Maybe that's why she is teaching nursing and not at the bedside. Can you tell that I think many nursing professors are useless as well as a total waste of the student's time?
I know with a lot of my profs I got the feeling that the old saying is right.... Those who cannot do, TEACH
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Sounds great. You should be proud. :)