Published May 7, 2015
139 Posts
I'm getting ready to start my last semester of my BSN program in the fall, and I've submitted an application for a nurse extern position at a local hospital. I haven't heard back, but the application shows as under review on the website, and has for the past week. There are also postings for nursing support postions that I would be interested in, as I really like the atmosphere of this facility and would be happy to be offered any nursing related position.
What is the best, most honest way to approach this? Since it's been a week tomorrow since I submitted the original application, I'm starting to feel less hopeful that I'll hear anything and I'm thinking I should hurry and submit for some of the other positions, but do I volunteer the fact that I've applied for other positions?
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
I am actually in a similar situation. I was honest and when they asked if any other facilities offered me a position, I stated that I applied for a different position through the same hospital because I wanted to broaden my horizon of experience, so to speak. They offered me a position even so, and I'm hoping I get an offer as well from the other position I applied for. The hours work perfectly for me so the shifts wouldn't interfere with each other. Good luck!
Anyone else ever had this happen?
melizerd, ASN, RN
461 Posts
I applied to lots of positions within the same system, and also several in the same hospital. No one ever asked me if I'd applied to other positions. Everyone else I know did the same. Maybe it varies by area but in my neck of the woods it doesn't seem to be a faux pas.
If asked just be honest about it. You saw several promising opportunities and didn't want to miss out on an interview for any of them.