Published Apr 1, 2018
7 Posts
Hey guys! I'm about to graduate from high school and officially committed to San Jose State University, but I'm a bit confused about the listed GE requirements or other classes needed.
I recently got an email saying I was eligible for the lower division Humanities Honors Program, which fulfills most of my GE requirements (apart from science and math classes). However, some GE classes, listed in the nursing roadmap, are stated to be "required" and I was wondering if my Humanities program would cover that.
An example for easier understanding: a public speaking class (COMM 20) is listed as a class for preparation of the major (but also fulfills units for GE), so would I still have to take it if I have the honor program to cover the units?
Thanks! Excited about college :)
359 Posts
I recommend making an appointment at the advising center. The advisors are going to be able to tell you specifics for their college.
If the course for the honors program is the same course (course code and number), then I imagine it would count. My honors courses in college didn't have any special indication. But that school may be different so an adviser would know the best.
I'm currently going into a 5-year program at San Jose State university (2 years pre-nursing, 3 years regular nursing major). Did anyone happen to transfer out of SJSU? Which year did you transfer (sophomore, junior,etc)? Currently wondering how long I have to stay at SJSU to get enough creds to have a good chance to transfer.
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13 Posts
I'm not a transfer student but usually people transfer out after 1.5-2 years after they finish their GEs and prerequisites. It may take longer since the competition to get those science prereqs are fierce here. (Just a tip: If you can't get a class at sjsu, try looking at local community colleges to see if the classes you need are available there.) My friend was really lucky since she was able to get anatomy in her first semester and because of that she was able to finish all the prereqs in 1 year + summer and her GEs in 1.5 years. Also depending where you transfer, you may have to take additional classes like sociology or nutrition as they are not required by the nursing program here but are required from other schools so that may take you a little longer.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me :)
Thanks for replying so fast with such helpful info! I have another question concerning honor programs (and possible overlap of credits).
I'm planning to apply to the lower division Humanities Honors program (which fulfills most of the GE except for maths and sciences). However, I noticed that a public speaking class (COMM 20) was listed as a prerequisite in order to apply for the nursing major.
Is that specific class required, or is it simply a suggestion for fulfilling GE creds (aka If I decide to take the honors course, would I still have to take COMM 20)?
Hmm. I'm not sure. It's best to email either an advisor or the nursing department to find out. I know that COMM 20 is specifically required for the nursing program but I am not sure if there is a class in the Humanities program that could substitute it.
Aha thanks so much! It's so nice to be able to have an experienced student to help me out. Do you have any general advice for the pre-nursing program and the nursing program (or college in general, really)? Hopefully I do okay at SJSU, college is such a new environment for me :')
I would recommend planning out your schedule like what classes to take for each semester and deciding if you want to take winter or summer classes to speed up finishing GEs/prereqs. During your advising session in the first semester, your advisor will give you a 2 year plan so you don't really have to worry about this now. Your schedule plan will probably change a lot throughout the year since you may not be able to get the classes you want. I know during orientation they would give you a list of classes to take during your first semester here. Using rateyourprofessors is a good idea since once you sign up at orientation, you can't drop the class until school starts when you find out that the teacher is bad. Also if you can, try to sign up for an early orientation since classes can be filled up quite quickly. For pre-nursing, there is a pre-nursing club on campus which can also give you advice on the program. Also, try to keep a lookout for some pre-nursing events like there was this one event that I attended where people from other schools came to sjsu to talk about their program there and the requirements to get in. Some people here take classes at both sjsu and a community college since some of the science teachers at sjsu are eh. For college, it can be overwhelming at time and if you find yourself struggling, go to your teacher's office hours for help. There's also free tutoring for some pre-nursing classes if you find yourself in need of help.
If you need anymore advice, feel free to ask. I feel like I can go on and on about sjsu and pre-nursing owo
Yeah, I heard about the extreme competition over GE classes so I got anxious and signed up for the first orientation date and also already did my housing application a week ago (phew), but I'm still very paranoid about class registration and orientation (as their website doesn't really touch upon details). I'm assuming we bring our own laptop/device for registration, and I've heard you need another form of ID in order to get your SJSU student ID? Would a school ID work?
Yup you can bring your own laptops for registration. They have computers there for you but not enough for everyone. To get the student ID, a school ID would not work. You would need a gov ID, passport, or a driver's license. If you don't have those at the time at orientation, you can still get it when school starts.
Hello Korotori!
I have another confirmation question about class registration. I've noticed that some of the science classes have multiple parts, like lab/lec/sem. The website doesn't exactly explain this directly but i'm assuming we need to sign up for all the parts (so we technically have 2-3 separate classes for each subject)