Pros/Cons of Home Health and OR Nursing


I need help. The only aspect of nursing I know about involves med/surg and telemetry. Although I am very interested in home health care, the hospital that I am working at is in need of OR nurses. I want to know more about the duties of an OR nurse before I submit an application for this eight week course on OR nursing. confused.gif

I would appreciate any information/comments you may have regarding home health and/or OR nursing. Thanks, in advance.


well I know Home Health not OR and I love working in Home health so My opinion is highly slanted. when I think of OR nursing I think of standing on you feet alot and long hours. and a doctor constantly telling you to give them stuff.

in home care you work with a person in their home to make them as healthy as possible. there's a lot of reponsablity but I personally find it very rewarding and challenging with out being over whelming.

I work 5 evenings a week and do 19 visit/wk

with in reason I make my own schedule. I may start at 3 or 5p depending on the pateint needs and mine. some nights I can get 4 visits done in about 2hrs. and on a quick eve with no delays I can do 3 visits in an hrs. I though some times take 1hr plus for one visit but not often.

My suggestion/opinion is Home care all the way.

feel free to email me if you have any question

[email protected]

good luck


Originally posted by BabyNurse:

I need help. The only aspect of nursing I know about involves med/surg and telemetry. Although I am very interested in home health care, the hospital that I am working at is in need of OR nurses. I want to know more about the duties of an OR nurse before I submit an application for this eight week course on OR nursing. confused.gif

I would appreciate any information/comments you may have regarding home health and/or OR nursing. Thanks, in advance.


I am currently working in the OR on a prn basis and find it very interesting work. I have also done home health nursing, which also has it's down-side, such as unclean surroundings, strange family situations etc..

Where I work the circulating nurse works the room, and gets any instruments the sterile

members of the OR crew don't have access too.

I also like having a different patient all the time and find the same patients all the

time eventually can have its drawbacks. I like the idea of making the patients better, and quickly sending them on their way. Working in a small hospital we also do the recovery room as well. I find it to be very stimulating so far!! Good Luck!!


I'm also partial to home health nursing. I think each nurse should take the opportunity to diversify their work setting by working in both a structured and unstructured environment. Home health provides a valuable insight to patient care that a nurse can't get in the hospital setting. However, if surgical nursing is what interests you, then go for it. There is excellent experience to be gained from working in that area. Many clients that are admitted to home health are post-op. Best wishes for your success.

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