Proper self-care for nurses in the midst of covid 19


Since the spread of this Corona Virus and new protocols, lockdowns, school closures, etc, The ICU where I work has had a weird vibe. Then we got our first Covid-19 patient. All of the sudden, behavior has been concerning. People refusing to care for "that patient", nurses stating their cases and co-morbidities, nurses demanding masks when they are already in short supply, and the general vibe of the unit has been off and very concerning. Emotion and mental health for nurses is important but somehow we are missing this element in our unit. Add to that, many of our husbands have lost their jobs and home stress.

I'd like to hear from some of you who may have experienced similar issues. Is there any units out there who have successfully maintained a positive work environment? In the midst of fear, how do you deal with co-workers who are spinning out? Do you all have a zen room or a place to debrief? Do baked goods or ice cream work? Any ideas how to bring a team together and debunk fear? Any ideas on how to cultivate that this is going to be a great day because we are all going to do what we do everyday and be here for one another?

Thank You,


Wish I could help. The same is happening in my dept. We are being debriefed constantly but yes people are listing their reasons why they can't care for COVID patients and rightly so. The PPE is there but it doesn't matter, it is still scary. Most patients are on another floor before they come to ICUs so that freaks EVERYONE out. Someone bought in cookies and donuts as a morale booster and they were left untouched all shift. When I check in with people asking about their families they seem to talk more. Be genuine. Be honest and let them know you understand their fears...

We start every shift with prayer for safety and the strength to do the work.

I love that. I would love to implement that on my unit! ♥️♥️

thank you

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