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About alicia.marie13

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  1. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    Log into Facebook | Facebook Trying to get a link that will work for anyone else who comes along and reads this. But if the link does not work the page is called University of South ALABAMA summer 2017.
  2. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    University of south ALABAMA summer 2017
  3. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    Log into Facebook | Facebook Does this work? I created the page.
  4. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I will be doing the Acute Care program. Does everyone want me to make a page?
  5. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I got mine today too! Congrats í ¼í½¾ everyone!
  6. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    YAY! Congratulations! I have not heard anything yet but I live in Kentucky so it might take a little bit longer for mail I suppose. Congrats again!
  7. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    Oh wow! Hopefully we will be hearing soon then! Good luck!
  8. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    When I asked people that have gone here recently I heard that this school left them feeling very prepared to take boards and that's what was really important to me. And so far, they have been very good with communicating with me and that's also impor...
  9. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    Thanks for the update! Hoping they get those letters out sooner rather then later.
  10. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    MNrnforHIM - You would think you being able to have the discipline to finish a Masters degree would show that you are serious about your education and it should count for something. Your nursing experience is incredible so I am sure you will not have...
  11. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I think they have been trying to send decision letters out quicker than they did before. I am not sure what they wanted exactly for the acute care program as far as experience whether it be all ICU or if they just wanted more hospital based experienc...
  12. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I think 4 years of experience is a good amount - I think most schools look at whether or experience you have is related to the field you are applying to. Like I am applying to acute care so they probably want me to have some decent acute care/hospita...
  13. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I am from Kentucky.
  14. University of South ALABAMA Summer 2017

    I also applied for the Acute Care Program! Where are you from? Good luck to you as well!
  15. SUPER low GPA

    I agree with others when they say you might want to start with an LPN program and work your butt off to get good grades in those classes. Also - most schools also looks at your ACT score as well. If that is not high enough I would recommend retaking...