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About edecaussin

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  1. University of Wisconsin Nurse Residency Summer 2017

    I had to accept an in person interview at another out of state job because I haven't heard anything yet! At the interview they emphasized that I would be hearing soon, but it's already been three weeks. I know that people on the transplant unit have ...
  2. University of Wisconsin Nurse Residency Summer 2017

    I interviewed on Monday for the Forensic unit and I think it went very well. She said we would be hearing very soon if we got it, has anyone heard anything yet?
  3. University of Wisconsin Nurse Residency Summer 2017

    I will also be there! I haven't gotten my email yet for what units I'm applying for.
  4. University of Wisconsin Nurse Residency Summer 2017

    I submitted two days before it was due and they called me the day after Thanksgiving. All my references have submitted but I haven't heard back from them.
  5. University of Wisconsin Nurse Residency Summer 2017

    I had my phone interview last week and immediately got the email to submit references! I am still waiting for my last reference to respond. They said that interview day is Monday Feb 13 and that we should hear in mid-late January if we will be invite...