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All Content by TruvyNurse

  1. Pregnant and do you do it?!?!?

    OP, how old are you? Next time specify you only want sugar coated answers.. As far as your post..I am 34 weeks pregnant, swollen as a tick, work full time, have a small daughter and am a full time FNP student trying to get 180 clinical hours in bef...
  2. Anyone had an experience like this??!!

    Whoa! That's bad!!
  3. Car germs

    Lol I hate to admit it but there have been times I've been exhausted and plopped on the couch in my scrubs. Hubby, kids and furbabies are unscathed
  4. All online FNP program?

    There are plenty of good quality brick and mortar programs that offer online courses with no visits. I am attending a program several states away. I put in at LEAST 18 hours of clinical a week plus another 18 in just studying/reading and assignments....
  5. How do I make friends in nursing school?

    Just be yourself. Chat people up. You're all in the same boat.
  6. How do I deal with clinical sites treating students like garbage?

    I'm here to tell you this is not a new or unheard of thing. We had several facilities we did clinical at where they were downright mean. You just deal and let the time pass. Try to make the best of it and LEARN. Be respectful even if they aren't.
  7. Question

    Believe me, family is everything but if grandma needs YOU to care for her, then I'd think she'd rather move to your location than go to LTC. And heck LTC may not be bad for her. Is that not a possibility? I hate to sound morbid but you're uprooting a...
  8. How soon is too soon to quit a new nursing job!

    Give it a chance. Not happy in 6 months? Look to leave. Best of luck
  9. Oh yes. This goes on and anyone who thinks it doesn't needs to take the rose colored glasses off. Examples I've seen: 1) Sure, the "drug seekers" pain won't be addressed as often or taken as seriously. 2) who cares? They have Medicaid. WE'RE paying f...
  10. Should I appeal?

    Sure you can appeal, however I don't think it will go anywhere. It sounds like you were fairly failed. You know where you messed up. Do some soul searching and go from there.
  11. Is $40 Grand too much for an Associate Degree...

    Yea!! Lol that is more than my graduate program! Lordy
  12. Balance between school and work?

    You can do school and work full time. You just have be flexible and manage your time well. Pick up weekends if you can for work. Study on your breaks. I'd also suggest a calendar or planner to organize your schedule
  13. Horrible first job - need advice

    Honey you have a major lawsuit on your hands. That is absolute crap and I'm appalled this "facility" is getting away with testing staff this way. Get out! Document everything!! Down to words. Call your lawyer. Rest, get better and keep us posted as m...
  14. Last week on preceptorship

    I would ask yourself, what protocols and procedures are you unfamiliar or uncomfortable with and go from there. Did you have a preceptor objective/ skills sheet? Id review it. Hopefully they won't just throw you to the wolves. You're still going to h...
  15. What Freaks You Out?

    I once had a trach lugie hit my face. Ack!! I also cannot stand eye trauma and that stinking rotten smell of pseudomonas.
  16. Castlebanch drug testing facility

    Yes she watched me pee. After having kids you really don't care who sees your bits hehe!!
  17. Day vs Night Personalities

    I have found it to be the opposite. Day and 2nd shift were always the lax, laid back friendly bunch. Nights tended to be more type A and socially selective. It is what it is. I guess I never really thought about it before now.
  18. 35 Pages Study Guide

    Type in the search bar for the NCLEX study's floating around here somewhere. May require some digging
  19. Tips on Head to Toe Assessment on Down syndrome pt

    I agree with Sour Lemon. That would be perfectly acceptable. Also if your patient appears uncomfortable or pulls away, you could always say "deferred." Refusal does not always have to be verbal in my opinion and with that special population, you want...
  20. Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    I am a pro life Roman Catholic BUT I am not there to judge my patient, I am not one to dictate what someone does with their life and I'm not there to voice my beliefs. My business is to provide care and compassion. I'd learn to let it roll off your s...
  21. How did you get the big pay raise?

    This may sound bad of me but if you find a facility desperate enough and if you have good experience you can usually negotiate a very good salary. I moved to a new area (husbands job transfer) and threw my resume at a few hospitals. One unit I'd appl...

    I'd assess the areas you were weak in. In your case Gero. I'd also highly recommend looking into Fitzgerald resources. I study her material all the time and I'm still in school. She goes a little too in depth at times but you will know your stuff! Be...
  23. I was working 2nd shift after the on site doctor went home. Had a high glucose reading and called to get some insulin orders. Pretty typical occurrence. "Hey Doctor *****, patient X is reading (blah blah), can I get an order for some more insulin?" ...
  24. Exposure to Second Hand Smoking

    Well you're probably not going to convince all those patients to quit smoking for your benefit. Find another job you find more breathable.
  25. Universal Deathcare.

    Oh boy..I had a feeling we'd be seeing a post or two of this nature..