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  1. CHLA RN new grad

    There's a group on FB for anyone who's in the March 2017 cohort!
  2. Choc rn residency / fellowship february 2017

    I believe throughout last week, this week, and next week.
  3. Choc rn residency / fellowship february 2017

    It says completed as well, good luck!
  4. Choc rn residency / fellowship february 2017

    Hi all! I just received an email to interview for the nicu! Looks like they're starting to send them out. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Choc rn residency / fellowship february 2017

    NICU, how about you?
  6. Choc rn residency / fellowship february 2017

    Same here, hopefully we'll start to hear soon!
  7. CHLA RN new grad

    I heard back from NICCU today for the next interview. Good luck to everyone!
  8. CHLA RN new grad

    I'm not sure, I think some people skip that depending on the unit. I have some friends who heard back from PICU for the screening so I was wondering if other units have heard back as well.
  9. CHLA RN new grad

    Which unit did you apply to?