Shanneliz SRNA

Shanneliz SRNA DNP


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All Content by Shanneliz SRNA

  1. I got accepted into CRNA School

    So sorry! I’m just now seeing this! I’ll PM you now!
  2. I got accepted into CRNA School

    The study guide I put together and the books I used to study medications are on the first page of this post
  3. I got accepted into CRNA School

    You’re welcome!
  4. CRNA Application Help

    Definitely agree with the others. I would apply and see what kind of feedback schools give you, but with your current stats you will definitely get an interview!
  5. I got accepted into CRNA School

    I will message you!
  6. Map of All CRNA Schools

    I’m in a program already, but this is amazing! Definitely a great tool to have when applying, WOW!
  7. MTSA 2021

    I private messaged you! I interviewed July of last year. I’m in my second semester at MTSA!
  8. I got accepted into CRNA School

    I went straight into ICU! I would suggest whatever you’re comfortable with. Try and get your senior practicum in an ICU and see how it feels for you!
  9. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Honestly, your GPA is great. I had a 3.5 and I got accepted. Just do your best in nursing school. I’d say above a 3.7 is pretty competitive. Keep in mind though, there are so many other factors that contribute. I would focus on getting great ICU expe...
  10. Preparing for interviews

    I made a post a few months back on how I got I to CRNA school! On the first page of comments, I posted pictures of the books I used to study. Second page of comments, I actually attached a copy of the study guide I made to help prepare! It’s based on...
  11. I got accepted into CRNA School

    LOL good for you!! I’m only in the first semester but the staff is amazing
  12. I got accepted into CRNA School

    The one off of the STN website!
  13. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Thank you so much! I just went on google and typed in the search bar CRNA interview videos and just looked around through the search results there!
  14. I got accepted into CRNA School

    You’re welcome and thank you so much!
  15. I got accepted into CRNA School

    You’re welcome ?
  16. Realistic Goal?

    Firstly, graduate from your current program and finish strong! I didn’t have the best stats either. I made a post on what I did to make myself more appealing to CRNA programs and a study guide for the interview process if you want to take a look! I ...
  17. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    So, so hard ? Worst test ever
  18. Just graduated from CRNA school

    Just wanted to drop by and say that I was at a level two trauma center as well and got accepted. So you don’t NEED to be in a level one. Although it does look better, I’d you have other strengths those could make up for it, such as CCRN TCRN(I got th...
  19. I got accepted into CRNA School

    Commenting on this post so any of you applying for CRNA school, go to page 2 on this post and I created a study guide that I think will be helpful if you are applying to a school who’s clinical based interview is tough ?
  20. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    You’re welcome! I know it’s overwhelming so any help I can give I try to!
  21. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    I would,suggest some specialty certifications like CCRN. Not required but with how competitive programs are today I would look at it as required. I also made a post on my stats and what I did to prepare if you’re interested!
  22. MTSA DNP Program 2020

    I was an alternate that got called and was accepted. Interview was much more laid back than previous years. Know your unit specialty like the back of your hand and you will do fine. If you list medications in your app, then know those meds down to th...
  23. New SRNA - How do I get loans?

    Not necessarily! If you have a good credit score and a guarantor, your interest rate could be as low as 5%!
  24. How to improve my chances of getting in?

    I have about 1.5 years of ICU experience and my BSN gpa is a 3.2! I also didn’t do well on my GRE Qualitative 143 Quantitative 147. However, I have other factors that helped my chances, CCRN TCRN TNCC, stuff like that. I made a post a few months back...
  25. New SRNA - How do I get loans?

    I would schedule a appointment with the financial aid advisor. But, I did a grad plus loan and unsub loan. My advisor told me that they are the easiest to refinance after school. But, the interest rates are fixed. They aren’t terrible, but if you ha...