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About Jendes1979

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  1. Legal obligation for disaster relief

    I chose nursing as my profession and I go above and beyond and give a 110% every single shift. Nursing is a wonderful and fulfilling field. I'm so glad I chose this career. I absolutely love working as a nurse, and that's exactly what it is... work....
  2. Live's and licenses at risk

    Thank you for your support.
  3. Live's and licenses at risk

    Great advice, thank you.
  4. Live's and licenses at risk

    I just have to say what an amazing and supportive group this is. I can not thank you all enough. I had a meeting with the administrator, DON and ADON today about the the incident. During questioning I was told that it was illegal for me to refuse...
  5. Live's and licenses at risk

    I can't thank you enough for taking the time to reply and offer your advice. The first night this happened I called the on call rn, no answer, then my ADON, who then had the DON call me. During this time the mandated nurse of that hall left and p...
  6. Live's and licenses at risk

    In May of this year I was hired as a brand new nurse at a ltc facility to work the night shift. The facility has 2 wings and each wing has 2 halls. Being a rather large facility of 140 beds and a new nurse I was concerned with staffing but was assu...
  7. Questionable Behavior: Reports and Write Ups

    I'd follow the chain of command and first speak to her about your concerns before running straight to management to fix it for you.
  8. What do you hate about nursing and why?

    I couldn't agree more! It makes me sick that people with no medical background are in charge of making decisions regarding patients lives! What's best for the patient isn't even remotely considered! The suits can try to spin it anyway they want but t...
  9. My narc drawer runneth over

    Thank you for responding. That is exactly what my gut was telling me to do.
  10. My narc drawer runneth over

    I'm a new nurse who works in ltc. Over the past few months I've had several concerns with understaffing and the high acuity of my hall but nothing so serious that I feared for my license until today. A new company recently purchased my facility. They...
  11. Thank you for responding, I really do need some guidance because something has to change. The hours are not from picking up shifts but rather being scheduled to work 4-12 hour shifts every week and being up for mandation every third shift. The rest ...
  12. Wow! Great question! Lately, I've been wondering the same. For me I can say for certain it isn't ltc. I have at least 33 patients every shift with only 1 aide and frequently have 63 due to call offs. My patients are high need patients with 3 being t...