Elizabeth Hanes BSN, RN

Freelance Writer, 'the nurse who knows content'


All Content by Elizabeth Hanes

  1. Elizabeth Hanes

    Trends from the Colorado BON

    I'm thinking since they say this particular shortage may affect staffing ratios that they mean your garden variety RNs who are experienced in a particular setting, such as ICU. This is interesting to me, as a new grad with a ton of periop experience,...
  2. Elizabeth Hanes

    Trends from the Colorado BON

    Thanks for posting this. When they say "experienced specialist nurses," are they talking about CNSes (i.e.: Master's degree nurses) or just regular RNs who have obtained certificates in their field, such as CNOR?
  3. Elizabeth Hanes

    Do anyone have tips on finding time to study for he NCLEX

    I'm not a mother, and I don't feel I need a really comprehensive review for the NCLEX (since I scored very well on the HESI), but I did download 5,000 NCLEX practice questions to my PDA. It allows me to practice whenever I have an extra 3-30 minutes,...
  4. Elizabeth Hanes

    PACU Nursing

    I will be graduating (BSN) in five weeks (:w00t:), and I already have been offered one job in PACU and expect another PACU offer next week. That said, I did pursue a PACU internship during my senior year, which I think bolstered my credentials substa...
  5. Elizabeth Hanes

    Tryin to Get a job...

    Try talking to the nurse recruiter. Check out the facility's nursing position postings on either usajobs or vacareers, look at the "how to apply" information and see if a person's name is listed. That person is the nurse recruiter. Then, pick up the ...
  6. Elizabeth Hanes

    Lessons From An Autopsy (Warning: Graphic)

    Thank you for a very sensitive article. I won't forget it. I'll be graduating in May, and you may be interested to know that I have been taught never to check for Homan's sign, because the action involved can break loose a clot if there is, indeed, o...
  7. Elizabeth Hanes

    Hospitals in Denver Metro Area???

    Thanks for the help. However, despite the fact I'm logged in (e.g.: I can make this post, and I can access "my account" info), there is no "edit" icon or link under my post. That was what was confusing me. Semisweetchick Edited to add: interestingly,...
  8. Elizabeth Hanes

    Hospitals in Denver Metro Area???

    Just a quick note to say I can't figure out how to edit my original post about Denver Health. Obviously, in my post, I meant to abbreviate "DH," not "DG." What can I say; the keys are side-by-side! :chuckle It has NOTHING to do with the margaritas I'...
  9. Elizabeth Hanes

    Hospitals in Denver Metro Area???

    Because most everyone has praised Denver Health, I just want to offer an alternative perspective. I'll be a new grad BSN (second degree, 20 years prior career experience but not healthcare), and I was singularly unimpressed with the nurse recruiter I...
  10. Elizabeth Hanes

    PPCC advice

    OK, well, here's a different perspective. I took A&P 2 at a university during the summer semester (8 weeks) and did fine. It was the only class I took. Yes, it was stressful, but definitely doable. Good luck!
  11. Elizabeth Hanes

    VA nursing is NOT "uniformed service"

    I see the title of this forum has changed to "Military Nursing and Uniformed Service Nursing," and the description reads, in part, "...as well as in the US Public Health Service, such as VA hospitals." I just want to clarify, for those who may be co...
  12. Elizabeth Hanes

    Denver VA info?

    Thanks so, so much for sharing your experience! I am really hoping to get an interview there as a new grad and was interested to read your observations about the work environment. Thanks again!
  13. Elizabeth Hanes

    Denver VA info?

    Would anyone be willing to share their thoughts/experiences as a nurse with the VA Medical Center in Denver? I'm seriously considering working there, so I would appreciate your candid feedback, either via the board or by PM. Also, does anyone know wh...
  14. Elizabeth Hanes

    Being called out by the teacher for good grades

    Actually, what happened to you is a clearcut violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is a federal law. If you really wanted to be anal, you could report this to the feds, and the school could lose any or all of its f...
  15. Elizabeth Hanes

    Anyone going to AORN Congress?

    I wish I could! I also am a student but, for various reasons, can't attend this year, though I intend to attend others. I envy you! Have fun!
  16. Elizabeth Hanes

    What is a "Situatioin phone interview"?

    So sorry to hear you didn't make the cut this time. But, you have a great attitude about it, and that will stand you in good stead as you continue job hunting! Thanks very much for coming back to fill us in on what transpired. It's very interesting t...
  17. Elizabeth Hanes

    Denver VA info?

  18. Elizabeth Hanes

    What is a "Situatioin phone interview"?

    Yes, that was a behavioral interview. The theory is that the best predictor of a person's future behavior is his/her past behavior. (For the record, I don't totally buy into that, but supposedly there is considerable research that backs it up.) Like ...
  19. Elizabeth Hanes

    What is a "Situatioin phone interview"?

    As I understand it, a situational interview is sort of like a behavioral interview, except instead of asking you to tell a story about a past event (behavioral), the interviewer asks how you would handle a hypothetical situation. For example, the int...
  20. Elizabeth Hanes

    VA Interviews

    Thanks, stardogdaisy! That's very helpful to know. Semisweetchick
  21. Elizabeth Hanes

    VA Interviews

    Thanks very much for sharing, YCAussie! That sounds like a typical, corporate-style interview, which is what I'm most familiar with. That sets my mind at ease. I hope you get the job! Semisweetchick
  22. Elizabeth Hanes

    VA Interviews

    I just wanted to say "good luck" with your interview! Would you kindly share details about the interview after you finish? I'm hoping for a VA interview within the next couple months and would really appreciate knowing what to expect. For example, is...
  23. Elizabeth Hanes

    Moving to Albuquerque

    I'm sorry no one answered you; I'm sure you're here by now, but in case others are interested.... Disclaimer: I do not like NM. The climate does not agree with me, among other things. That said, I have lived in Albuquerque for over 12 years, so I hav...
  24. Elizabeth Hanes

    Vacation in Colorado Springs August

    Lucky you! (Actually, I will be in COS at the end of August, too.) My suggestions: take an afternoon to walk and investigate the shops of Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs. Not as scintillating for the young boys, however. Also, Cave of the Winds...
  25. Elizabeth Hanes

    Wait for AS or complete BSN

    Congratulations! That was a very smart strategy you used. Best wishes on getting in at CU!