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All Content by FuturenurseLove

  1. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Nahhh. There are some great, qualified people on this thread. I'm thinking they are just behind and when we all receive our emails (hopefully soon) there will be congratulations and emojis everywhere!
  2. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Welp. It's 5 o'clock :nailbiting:
  3. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I looked and it looks like only nurse faculty have received awards for the loan repayments. I think it's all just a little behind this year
  4. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    The NHSC recipients got them Friday morning. Idk what time nurse corps would be because I read that people got notifications in the evening last year. It's all such a guessing game.
  5. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Nope. Nothing yet. I'm sure I've refreshed my email 50 times already í ½í¸­
  6. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I think I read that it was a week or within a week. I'm hoping it's Monday! That would make 2 weeks since credit checks. Either way we are getting closer!
  7. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Nope! I didn't apply for that one. I've just been snooping around on their page to keep everyone updated. Lol. I'm hoping nurse-corps will be next week!
  8. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Good news guys! The NHSC applicants have started to receive emails!
  9. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I've been trying to stay busy because I still have three ATIs left but somehow I always end up constantly checking my phone to see if anything has happened. The anxiety is worse than test day anxiety! Lol.
  10. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    This link didn't have any dates but it did have a good breakdown of awards for each year. There are expected to be 217 new awards made. https://www.hrsa.gov/about/budget/budgetjustification2017.pdf
  11. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Also if you are looking for a site, know that you can always type in the exact address of a site, find the score and if qualifies for primary care. When I used the HRSA search tool it gave me a limited number of sites but I was able to find major hos...
  12. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I am hopingggggggg that I can have summer covered if awarded even though I did not list it. I would love to send my plus loans back! Lol.
  13. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Not all students are BSN. I'm in a direct entry program. So next semester will be my final semester of 3. Afterwards I'll be working as an RN while I complete the rest of my MSN which is online/distance. (This portion doesn't count as part of the ser...
  14. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    For those in your cycle who are already working as nurses... are they just putting aside part of the stipend for taxes? If offered, we should add the scholarship amount AND the stipend amount to our income?
  15. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    The official school dates include the summer semester. I didn't know I could get summer funding so I omitted it when I manually put in the dates. But the school will definitely be able to verify. For now I'll just wait and see if I'm even a finalist,...
  16. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Do you know if you can change the months if you are offered an award? I requested 3 aid years but I didn't put July. So the aid years are still the same but the month is incorrect
  17. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I did not include summer. I should have read more carefully!
  18. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I also saw on the NHSC guidance that summer tuition will be paid and the stipend amount for July to October will be paid in a lump sum in November. I didn't see that anywhere on the nurs corps guidance. But the same clause for tuition was there.
  19. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Also the site will be down tonight. I hope that is a great sign.
  20. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I've never called and after what I've seen on here I won't waste time. Lol. But yes I hope it's true. That would be so great for everyone.
  21. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Are any of you currently in school for a summer session? I am in a direct entry program and we are currently required to attend summer classes ending on 8/11/17. I am reading and re-reading the program guidance and tuition for summer classes may be c...
  22. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    I could only see it on Equifax
  23. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Thank you. I just went through last years thread for about an hour! The earliest notifications came about one week after the first credit checks! Could be different this year though!
  24. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Someone may have answered this already but I can't find the comment. Historically what has the timeline been from Credit check to finalist Email notification? Again it may have been posted, please don't jump down my throat about it.
  25. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2017-2018

    Got a Credit check today 7/24! It dropped my score a couple points and that's how I noticed. Good luck to all! Everyone stay positive!