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All Content by Hg16

  1. Pomeroy College of Nursing

    Hey ROCTJ, I took mine August 25th and it took a whole month and then some days to get a letter inviting me for an interview . The letter said they are doing interviews until the 20th of this month so there is still time to receive a letter ! Keeping...
  2. Pomeroy College of Nursing

    Just out of curiosity, who did you interview with ? I keep hearing people get different staff throughout crouse .
  3. Pomeroy College of Nursing

    Congratulations ! How exciting ! I am just waiting for the call back to schedule my interview . I think they're out due to Columbus Day being Monday . I also wish their schedule was like st joes .. from what I hear you have to attend everyday of the ...
  4. Pomeroy College of Nursing

    I have not gone to any open houses all though I feel like it would be a good idea just to become familiarized with the school . I also thought the computer lab was very nice . Did you already have an interview and receive an acceptance letter? Funny ...
  5. Pomeroy College of Nursing

    Hey everyone , I also applied for the spring 2017 semester Evening / weekend track . I took my placement exam August 25th and just received a letter about an interview 10/8. I called to schedule the interview and I am waiting for a call back since I ...