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All Content by rescueninja1987

  1. My coworker was high and got away with it

    If I were in his shoes I would be furious. I wouldn't be surprised if this came back to bite you later on. For what it's worth, I once reported the same concern to a nurse manager, but in my case the person was diaphoretic, flushed, shaky and wearing...
  2. Workplace gossip

    You'll find people like that are typically too stupid to even wait until you aren't within earshot to start talking about you. It's pathetic. My take is this, I am very ambitious about my career and my relationships. If someone is that busy gossiping...
  3. Why wasn't I placed in the ED?

    You might be able to pick up shifts as a CNA in the ED you hope to work in when you graduate. We hire a ton of new grads in my ICU that way because they did well as a tech.
  4. Why wasn't I placed in the ED?

    I didn't read your post well and somehow thought you were talking about your first RN job when evidently you were talking about your capstone. Sorry about that, I don't guess I gave you the most solid advice there LOL
  5. Why wasn't I placed in the ED?

    Once you get some time under your belt, if nothing else, you could work per diem somewhere else in their ED. Also, CVICU experience I would imagine would set you up nicely for becoming a flight nurse if you think that might be your thing. That being ...
  6. Limited as an LPN

    Agree with the previous poster. Also, just a thought, you could always take the OB tech position, then pick up OT if it's available, and if not work per diem in a LTC or rehab facility somewhere to make a little extra money.
  7. Tough decision; I've had to turn down really good opportunities before when I got multiple offers like that so I know how you feel. I tend to agree with the others, cardiac tele is probably the most relevant experience for moving into the emergency d...
  8. Gave a med I shouldn't have given... worried about repercussions

    Seems odd you can give IV metoprolol but not IV labetalol. Anyway unit policy notwithstanding, you did everything right. Don't worry about it.
  9. Take it with a grain of salt. I'm a clinical instructor, and I am very approachable with my students, but I have high expectations and a small minority of them think I am the meanest, worst instructor in the world. Instructors are pleased when studen...
  10. RN thinking of quitting job b/c of IV's.

    My two cents: go get something where you infrequently (or maybe never) have to start IVs, maybe even utilization review, teaching..there's a world of opportunities for an experienced nurse. In the meantime, the next time someone cusses at you or emba...
  11. How to get un-barred

    I once had a manager who was giving me a hard time and fabricating infractions to write me up for (as she was doing to a lot of the staff there). She called me in "for a meeting", and I knew she was just going to fire me and make a big production out...
  12. What Do You Love About Nursing?

    If you've got a strong work ethic, plenty of patience and you can find a good solid team to work with, it will be the best decision you ever made. It's not for the faint of heart, but it's an awesome challenge, and you have a ton of flexibility with ...
  13. confessions of a RRT

    I can say where I work everyone has a mutual respect for one another. The observations and opinions of a respiratory therapist are valued by the nurses, as well as the pulmonologists. Sorry you've had such a bad experience. I tend to just drive right...
  14. Is not answering the phone for work bad?

    Nothing to feel bad about. It's best for you AND for your patients that you don't burn yourself out. If they're consistently calling around trying to get people to come in on their day off, they need to hire more staff. On another note, you mentioned...
  15. Nursing Dreams and Nightmares

    All of the above. I have had dreams where I forget patients, forget to give report, or forget some really important task. I had one where I accidentally let a levo drip run dry and the patient dropped their pressure and I sure was happy t...
  16. Could I be sued for neglect or lose my license over this?

    As long as you documented well, you will be just fine. The only thing I would say, which has already been stated, is make sure your non-rebreather is on at least 10L/min or more (and make sure it isn't hooked up to a humidifier!). On another note, I ...
  17. For what it's worth, I have known a few nurses who worked in adult ICU for a while and then used that experience to get hired in a NICU.
  18. Thankful To Be A Nurse On Thanksgiving

    I am grateful for healthy children, loving and devoted wife, tons of family and friends I've known for many years, money left over for fun stuff/luxuries. Not to mention I'm having a blast working in ICU and my coworkers and hospital are the bomb. I ...
  19. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    I was in your spot, job hopped for a while, finally got in touch with the local college about getting my bachelor's in mechanical engineering. Long story short, I ended up getting a part time gig in ICU at a non-profit hospital and adjunct at a nursi...
  20. Looking for some advice before making a mistake.

    If I were in your shoes, I would pile up cash, spend 2 years getting your RN at a community college and work a while as a nurse. After a few years you'll likely have a much more definitive idea what your long term goals are, and once you get that exp...
  21. Linguistic Pet Peeves

    I also can't stand when people constantly say "literally". I saw an internet meme once that said "Misuse of the word 'literally' drives me figuratively insane".
  22. Linguistic Pet Peeves

    I have a long list of language pet peeves, but I guess the one that really gets under my skin the most is misuse of the word ironic. Usually when I hear it, the speaker means to say coincidental.
  23. I'm a new nurse and I feel like quitting :'(

    It's gonna be OK, I promise. I have been in your shoes before, and let me just tell you, we have all felt like quitting before, and pretty much all of us have felt overwhelmed as new nurses before. My advice would be to just jump in there and learn a...
  24. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    Dude I would forget those stereotypes, male nurses are like any other group of guys. I'm a nurse, happily married for four years, and prior to that had several girlfriends, went on a whole bunch of dates and no woman ever gave it a second thought. In...