C.Love MSN, NP


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  1. When I first started on the med/sug floor there was a mix of very sick patients and healthy patients who stayed the night for minor surgeries. Although the work was challenging and tiring, it was rewarding and fun. Now we have an obesity crisis coupl...
  2. Every discipline has it's pluses and minuses, and in each one it's good to have respect and compassion for the patient.
  3. I worked in the OR for 10 years and found it very hard at first due to an unstructured preceptor-ship in the beginning. Once I learned the job, it was very interesting once they taught me to scrub and circulate. I love the anatomy and the flow of sur...
  4. C.Love

    Manager Seeking Revenge on New Nurse

    I think the HR department needs to know in case other people have problems with her abuse. She may be this way toward other people who don't have another job lined up.
  5. What is your Masters in? Can you teach?