C.Love MSN, NP


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All Content by C.Love

  1. C.Love

    Thoughts on nurses who became physicians

    It may be jealousy, As an NP, on rare occasions I run across weird situations where the nurse treats me kind of poorly but most nurses are super nice to work with. I'm glad you're in Medical School. You will find more positives than negatives bring...
  2. C.Love

    Is it worth becoming an NP at 45 years of age?

    I live in South Orange County California, and noticed that my classmates who lived in the LA area seemed to have an easier time finding preceptors and then jobs, and I noticed age has something to do with it too in all industries. I don't know if age...
  3. C.Love

    Is it worth becoming an NP at 45 years of age?

    I went for my NP at 55 and wish I would have gone back 10 years earlier, because I notice age discrimination and pay cut, so I think you should do it now while your young at 45, I don't think you will have the age discrimination problem, you're still...
  4. It's no body's business as to why you have to take a leave. I noticed that in our field people see health issues as a weakness and can be very judgmental, until they have their own health problems. I would hold your cards close to your chest and let ...
  5. C.Love

    Unsafe Interventional Radiology Practice

    This is very wrong, and basic information our nursing schools should be teaching. We as RN's can't give medications with out an order, otherwise we are prescribing which is not in the RN scope of practice. Plus how are controlled substances accounted...
  6. C.Love

    Ageism in Nursing?

    It seems that ageism has prevented me from getting any kind of new job. I went for my FNP and have 31 years RN experience, and get turned down over and over again. Mostly Ghosted after promising interviews. Very discouraging. It makes me think compan...
  7. C.Love

    Will I go to jail?

    Just call your manager and pharmacy and find out what to do to get it documented. It's an honest mistake that happens. I can't imagine you would even get into trouble for that.
  8. C.Love

    Burnout or Boredom?

    Time to move on. You're barely using your RN skills. If you don't like the hospital, how about trying home health nursing where you see a variety of patients while learning and using your skills.
  9. what area are you talking about, that needs NP's.
  10. These are all good ideas.
  11. True, but if the person keeps trying to warm the room and every time they try to get to the heater there is yet the same obstacle that keeps getting in the way and they keep trying and trying while obtaining advice and genuine support from the others...
  12. We had a good assessment class and very strict on passing. University of Phoenix at the time was live classroom, but they were terrible at the clinical portion, our assessment class was good. Actually the live models were very helpful for the uncomfo...
  13. This harshness is the last thing any NP needs to be hearing in this climate. We need to be more encouraging. Yes, this market is very difficult especially if you've been an RN for 30plus years. Im not able to relocate, but willing to travel, intervie...
  14. This helps to hear, as I was starting to get a complex of low self esteem and feeling defeated. It sounds like it's a common problem. Coming home on the weekends is a good idea. Did you have any kind of orientation period to get accustomed to the new...
  15. I wish I lived close to LA, I'm a few hours away. I'm still curious about the program though. My friends in the LA area found better job opportunities.
  16. It is nearly impossible to find an NP job in Southern California for a new grad starting out. I've been out of school for 3 years now, worked 1 year perdiem in an Urgent care where I was the only provider on site as a new Grad. The physician that own...
  17. Not all Americans are greedy and jealous. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to own a place to live, but looking down on the idea of a condo is sad. I agree that is is good to work in missions and definitely give to people in need. Ir's so easy ...
  18. I don't see anything wrong with owning a townhouse or condo. Who cares what other people think. It's better to own a place than pay some else's mortgage. My first place was a cute one bedroom condo. In my opinion, plan ahead and don't be close to re...
  19. C.Love

    Temporary Disability

    It would be ideal to get light duty, which is hard to find. I'm on state disabily now while recovering from surgery. I don't think you can be on medical leave from one place of employment and work at another. My state disability is about the same tak...
  20. C.Love

    How much do you owe in student loans?

    I think an NP with years of psych. experience will be the perfect teacher for the psyc. portion of nursing programs BSN and MSN-NP.
  21. C.Love

    How much do you owe in student loans?

    londonflo Specializes in oncology. Has 44 years experience. Monday 14 hours ago, myoglobin said: I had two job offers paying around 80K per year to teach online NP and RN content from major online schools. You may not believe tha...
  22. It's hard to answer your question when I don't know what are you live in, your age and financial situation. The good thing is that the interest rates are the lowest I've ever seen them. When I bought my first place, I went asked the realtor what I ca...
  23. C.Love

    Looking for thoughts/opinions of experienced nurses

    Her heart rate was only 29? Holy smokes. She needed to go to the ED and get checked out. I can't believe places like this don't have an RN overseeing things to make decisions on when to send a patient to the ED. I would look for another place to work...
  24. C.Love

    Should I get my PMHNP at 54 yrs old?

    I was your age when I started my FNP program, graduated 3 years ago, and am having a very difficult time finding a job, because most employers want experience as an NP and want you to work solo. I'm finding the pay is less and it's very difficult to...