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All Content by FutureRNDO

  1. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    LeyaGo, i applied to both as well and decided since its only one extra semester, i would rather take my time and soak up the info so i can be nclex ready instead of rushing through. So i will be doing the generic full time program come January, hopef...
  2. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    My GPA is a 3.74 and i got an 85 HESI score, a friend of mine got in at homestead and she got a 66 on the HESI, so I think you have a pretty good shot. I think we are all going to be amazing nurses and these stupid score and gpas wont matter, all tha...
  3. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Medical campus, I got accepted at the Medical Campus also.
  4. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I JUST GOT MY LETTERS!!!!! I am ACCEPTED INTO BOTH AO AND GENERIC FULL TIME!!!!!THANK GOOOOOOOOODNESS!!! Congrats to everyone else who heard and I am keeping my fingers crossed to the. Rest who haven't as of yet!!!!
  5. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I keep waiting for these notifications for someone to post that they rcvd their acceptance letter!!!
  6. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Save me some space in th coffin next to you might as well share that along with this anguish lol!
  7. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I cant think about it anymore, although its like the only thing on my mind.... I have so many questions and I'm like just impatient to find out my schedule for next year. I hope I will be in school but if I'm not I need to be on some amazing adventur...
  8. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Not everyone's body is autopsied or embalmed...
  9. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Yes the room was pretty full and about 50% of them went down to apply so im assuming they passed! I am so anxious because now all i can do is wait and its killing me!!!
  10. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    TTLS I took the Hesi yesterday and got an 85.43% my science GPA is 3.74. I am hoping i get placed at the medical campus and i applied for both Geberic Full Time and the Accelerated. Now its just the waiting game to see if I get accepted!!!

    Lol, this is really on point i remember all of these being on the test yesterday!!!
  12. MDC Nursing Program Spring 2017

    Hey Sheyla, My name is Kaara and I just took the HESI A2 yesterday and I PASSED with and 85% wooohooo!!!The best advise would be to use the recommended Elsivier(sp) book and check out videos on Youtube for a quick breakdown on each topic! That was su...
  13. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I am actually contemplating taking the hesi on the 29 and applying that same day. Do you guys know if that is frowned upon. I just finished my last prerequisite on the 29th of July and have been studying since. BTW Does anyone know how the selection ...