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All Content by FutureRNDO

  1. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    My sentiments exactly, *****!?!?!?
  2. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    No , i tried this morning with no luck!!!
  3. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I never thought of that!!!
  4. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Only maybe fundamentals I will keep because of what Dr. Foster said but idk, I got a decent deal. Have everyone taken advantage of the school uniform deal, or are you guys getting them elsewhere? I found them (books) all on amazon and have them saved...
  5. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Cool, im Kaara we will be in classes together!!! It didnt let me keep the classes in a shopping cart, how did you do that?
  6. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Just tried to register, the degree audit for me hasn't been changed yet. I was able to pick out the classes but of course it stopped me at completing registration. I also am showing good for florida residency. Guys remember to check that so you won'...
  7. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Omg, same here!!!
  8. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I dont know if this was already answered, but how long does it take for complio to review our submitted documents and mark as compliant. Im worried my documents may be uploaded too late, because we have to be compliant by Thursday right?!?!
  9. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    You can also just call walgreens and they will provide that information as well!
  10. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I brought it to the school and they added it to the entire record they prinyed out so idk if that will pose a problem!
  11. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Congrats im glad it all worked out and again it was great meeting you!!!
  12. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Ok soooo, im trying to upload this stuff to complio, i took the pictures in my phone do i need to save then, then upload them or is there another way around this?!!
  13. Advice for a new peds nurse? :)

    This made me tear up!! Wonderful HUMAN advice, Thank you and your Mom!!!
  14. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    And you know i was gonna ask if anyone there was from the group on here and introduce myself but then i got distracted because i was questioning the current student. Im so excited to get started and finish this process. I have to work so i have to wa...
  15. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Yup, I hope that goes well!
  16. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Yeaah me too... see you at orientation!!!!
  17. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    That means i saw you there dportal!!! What program are you going in, lol im the girl with the blue hair asking all the 10,000 questions!!!
  18. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Im so annoyed with MDC Medical Campus! Yesterday i went to go do my Physical and when i got there like at 9:05 the clinic was still closed. At 9:40 someone eventually came and opened the doors, then we all filed in to start the process, being from th...
  19. MDC Nursing Program Spring 2017

    Thanks Sheyla, I actually got in!!! I am going to be starting the Full Time generic at the Medical Campus. Have you heard anything as of yet?
  20. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I was going insane waiting and i got through on the first batch so I can imagine everyone else, which is why i made sure to go accept my space and decline the other right away!
  21. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Yes Kathleen-am its for generic Full Time @ Medical Campus
  22. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Robthesofty said his gpa was a 3.2...
  23. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    Nov 17 is for the generic Fulltime! AO is Dec something....
  24. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I went yesterday to hold my seat, apparently you should waste no time accepting your seat because if you dont, you might end up having online classes etc etc. Its a whole process but you have to make sure you print out your acceptance form and fill ...
  25. MDC Nursing Spring 2017

    I was accepted to both options, is it truely that bad the first semester and if you had a choice after experienceing the AO option would you have changed to the generic full time since it only one semester more thant the AO from what i hear. I will n...