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All Content by moldyoldyrn

  1. I have 60 grand of student loan when I finished BSN

    Let's not go there, this is not part of the discussion.
  2. Being called an idiot

    I know it is not the case in private hospitals but in teaching hospitals you go up the chain. If the resident will not respond then you always have the option to call the attending on call. I never had to do it much but I did it a couple of times. ...
  3. Pyxis error

    I think most of us can identify with your problem. Some of us from real experience being targeted. Others from what they have witnessed. Just remember Nursing did not do this. When my supervisor targeted me I had great support but felt like the lowes...
  4. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    No evidence to support that. Most of the men I have worked with were strong nurses, very compassionate, gentle and solicitous of the patients. They put up with NO stuff. They were decisive, direct and worked hard. My kind of guy.
  5. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    Good thought, would make a dynamite study. Someone go for it.
  6. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    I think men who let little girls paint their nails and such is so very heartwarming and even, dare I say, sexy. Did anyone see the male RN who "married" his preschool sweetheart at an oncology hospital? There is a true man. I love it when I see men h...
  7. Being called an idiot

    I am wondering if anyone has used something that my team did a "few" years back. When a resident or attending would get testy with us or act demeaning, calling us names etc. we would have a phone chain. Since we were such "idiots" we called every 15 ...
  8. Being called an idiot

    Better yet pat him on the head and tell him where it can be found. Then explain equal opportunity to him.
  9. Being called an idiot

    What he wanted you to do was illegal, I have never in over 40 years seen "procedure" allowed on an operative form. Besides if the consent is not signed he cannot do the procedure. I would have documented that he would not tell you the procedure and l...
  10. Pyxis error

    As an aside, keep responding to this thread I think we all want to see you recover and clear your name.
  11. Pyxis error

    If you can find an attorney, a good one, sue for information. Then go from there. They should have to tell you about any investigation. You may find out they did not do one. If this hospital is in trouble you might just uncover a real can of worms an...
  12. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    Amen to that NurseShawn. Get your experience, concentrate on being the most competent, giving, knowledgeable, helpful RN you can be. Work different areas to get a very broad base of knowledge, dive in and learn. Call yourself RN that is what you are....
  13. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    A lot of men are paramedics and EMTs they are not considered "unmanly", if you have contact with them they are very caring, nice to patients, helpful, like nurses. Nurses just do their work in a different setting. I have worked with gay and straight ...
  14. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    I was in the Navy for 12 years and worked with many male RNs. I also worked in the VA system for a long time and lots of men as RNs there too. All of them were great guys and great nurses. There were nights I was the only female nurse on the floor, ...
  15. Pyxis error

    No place is perfect or without problems. Unions offer at least some protection against unreasonable actions taken by management. If you have a good Union, which I did, it made all the difference in the world. It is a decision each individual has to m...
  16. Pyxis error

    Wish you were near me I need a dog walker. But if what you are is a nurse you should be able to practice. I think you said it all when you related that the Hospital you worked for was losing it Medicare/Medicaid cert. There may be the problem. Take a...
  17. Pyxis error

    I understand that NC is a non-Union state as I live there. That's why I worked at a Federal facility to take advantage of the benefit. There are Federal facilities in NC that are not Unionized and I find that troubling. It is an option, however that...
  18. Pyxis error

    Radiant Lynne, keep on trucking'. You figured it out, as you command a higher salary you become a target. That way they can hire another RN at a cheaper cost to them. Quality does not matter to management only the money. It happened to me, I was in a...
  19. Will pray and dance and do anything in hopes you pass Larry. Keep going, when you get a real broad knowledge base and experience your confidence will kick in and you will bloom. Be the one who always helps, regardless of how rude or ugly some can be...
  20. Pyxis error

    Or better yet push for the National Nurses United to come in. Once a place is Unionized things improve. I could not have worked at my last place if it were not Unionized there were so many abuses by management.
  21. How old is too old to safely practice?

    No need for thanks really, I had a ball. If I were asked to start over and do it again I would. I learned so much and had the best time taking care of who ever walked in the door. You meet some of the most precious people in nursing. It is a rich fie...
  22. How old is too old to safely practice?

    Funny thing every time we had a snow storm down here i the south (you have to realize that we don't have snow plows and de-icing) all of the older RNs made it to work. The young ones stayed home. Reliability is underrated.
  23. How old is too old to safely practice?

    You sound like me, 3 surgeries on left leg, just had my third on the right leg. Facing hip and knee replacements. Both rotator cuffs gone. 43 years lugging and tugging as we say. 300 to 400 pound patients, even with lifts it is still too much. My fir...
  24. Treat the Patient, not the Monitor.....Really?

    One reason I quit ICU work and went to floor nursing with a passion is I got sick of watching machines. For me they seemed to interfere with my communication with the patient. That was MY own feeling. Of course then the floors got all the things th...
  25. How old is too old to safely practice?

    I would take issue with saying that "any nurse who can't perform . . . for whatever reason should resign." The biggest reason I say this is that if your work load is consistently too heavy by standards perhaps the work load needs to be reduced. I hav...