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All Content by moldyoldyrn

  1. I'm a Man, Can I be Successful as An OB Nurse

    I say go for it. Perhaps you should carry pictures of you holding your own babies to show folks. I see not a thing wrong with at least trying it, if you are not treated fairly or you decide you need to be somewhere else then at least you tried. I was...
  2. I'm a Man, Can I be Successful as An OB Nurse

    HE was treated wrong and that may have influenced his grades.
  3. Are There Jobs for Inexperienced RNs Besides Floor Nursing?

    I think some new RNs or those who've not worked in the busy environment of a surgical floor need a longer preceptorship. I have helped many a new RN and some older ones who were not used to the fast pace of a busy floor. It in NO WAY means you are a ...
  4. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    She will not "fill in" for you or help you because she probably cannot perform. I have had managers who jumped in and did a stellar job when they recognized that we were floundering (for whatever reason) and could not keep up with demand but those fo...
  5. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    Yes, the curriculum does weed out the chaff. In my mind this is a good thing. You do not want someone that cannot perform and do it well, caring for patients. It does not make them bad people, just people who are not suited to nursing.
  6. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    So sorry you had a bad experience, I think what you describe is unforgivable. Someone needs to deal with people harshly when anyone condones or actively performs behavior that you described. Everyone deserves a chance and we need to HELP each other. ...
  7. I have my School cap and my Navy nurse's cap with my rank stripes on it. I plan on having both bronzed and made into bookends. I respect them but would never wear them again. I wish I had my last pair of white clinic shoes. They are now collectors it...
  8. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    There are many options out there, consider some of them. Your skills will come back with very little work. Go work at a decent place. And that includes any place you work even if outside nursing. Hospitals can be hell but you need that experience to ...
  9. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    It took a while but I made 104k/yr.
  10. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    AMEN there are too many options to quit. If you do not explore your options you are only cheating yourself. No one will do it for you, you gotta' be a self starter. Put the work shoes on and go for it. I also agree that Nursing is a calling. When I ...
  11. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    You can get in trouble for ignoring an MD order but not for questioning the order. I would question and repeat, repeat, repeat. Also document, document, document.
  12. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    Get your credentials, get more education, move on. It's not nursing, it's the place you are working. Chart your own course, if you are young and able consider going into military nursing. It is a wonderful way to see the world, learn a lot, get into ...
  13. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    Not a good response, she might be the best of the best. Every one should be able to discuss a problem and not just told they need to find another line of work.
  14. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    In over 40 years I never "worked for a doctor", would not do it. If I tell them they forgot something and record it in the chart that they were informed that is what I need to do. If they do not do it, Ah well it is their problem. Of course we always...
  15. racist patients

    In the case of a male RN who has an "idiot" that does not want a male to do things of a personal nature I agree that I would not do the task for them but I will stand by for them so that there is no suggestion of inappropriate behavior on the part of...
  16. racist patients

    Sorry to say but I disagree with you totally. Many patients use excuses they feel are more "credible" than one that is pure horse pucky. I have seen it too many times especially from little old ladies. They will say what they think is the most belie...
  17. Doctor Behaving Badly - What would you do?

    Good job on that one. I bet he avoids the locker room now.
  18. racist patients

    Some one please tell me why anyone, much less some one who may have to depend on you for their life, would talk to you that way. I will never understand this abusiveness that prevades the nursing profession. I have looked at patients who started that...
  19. Doctor Behaving Badly - What would you do?

    They are still turning out MDs who do these types of things? WOW. He, my supervisor and me would have a heart to heart about how it is MY JOB to question him. And I will continue to do it especially when he behaves in such a childish manner. After al...
  20. racist patients

    I am wondering if has more to do with the fact you are male than anything else. I worked with a slew of male nurses and most of them had the same problem at some time in their career. My issue with the whole thing was that they were all such good guy...
  21. Why did you come to allnurses? What made you stay?

    In my 43 years of practice I always relied on my TEAM members. We never worked alone, never were without an extra set of eyes. When some one came and told me "He needs you now', they said it in such a way that I always knew to beat feet and just lock...
  22. Nurse Practitioner vs Physician Assistant

    Lest anyone forget, NPs are licensed as RNs prior to becoming NPs. That alone says something to me. PAs are great but some of them lack the "nurse touch". Technically I think they are both fine, for me I will take an NP anytime, over anyone. The one'...
  23. Social Media and Emotional IQ

    To MY mind it boils down to being a professional in all aspects of your life. Not blaming others, not calling names, taking minor disagreements and making them life threatening confrontations. What you do in print can come back to haunt you. Regardle...
  24. Breakroom refrigerator theft

    I used to buy bags of candy or cookies, something to get staff through the day, just something nice. Did it about once a month or for holidays. Everyone loved it. Then we noticed that the bags would be out on the table at report and gone by break tim...
  25. I have 60 grand of student loan when I finished BSN

    I would seek some help from a qualified financial advisor. It would seem high for a BSN unless the RN had to go through 4-5 years of school even though they already had the ADN. In my state if you are an ADN you can pretty well get the BSN with some ...