
Jmill90 ADN

Med surge, ED, Dialysis

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All Content by Jmill90

  1. Bevill State Community College Summer 17' Applicants

    Oh okay well if I calculated it correctly I have 27 points since I took all of my classes somewhere else. But I only have nursing classes left and a 3.5 gpa so hopefully that will help me.
  2. Bevill State Community College Summer 17' Applicants

    Hello I applied to the jasper campus how many points did you apply with
  3. Lawson State fall 2017

    Hey shonta05 have you taken your ACT test yet?
  4. Lawson State fall 2017

    Okay great I appreciate the advice.. I was also wondering how much does being a PCT help with understanding things in nursing school?
  5. Lawson State fall 2017

    Does that book line up with what is being taught in the class room? Is it a good aid for test preparation?
  6. Lawson State fall 2017

    Have you heard any good reviews about the success books by Davis like med surg success, maternal and newborn success, pharmacology success etc. ?
  7. Lawson State fall 2017

    I'm definitely making my second test date in April lol
  8. Lawson State fall 2017

    I just called Lawson they said that the National ACT test scores can be used at any school and the residual is for school use only. According to the ACT website the national dates are in Dec April and June. So to answer your question you should be ab...
  9. Lawson State fall 2017

    I absolutely loved spanish when I took it!!!! Im so looking forward to taking these nurse prep courses but I havent taken a class at lawson in a very long time so im very nervous.... Im going to find my classes before they start. I was gonna go tomor...
  10. Lawson State fall 2017

    Hey blsednurse2be....Happy new years to you as well...yes I am so excited that this year has finally began now we can start the countdown lol...last semester was a success I was fortunate to make all A's... this semester I'm taking the HPS mth 186 an...
  11. Lawson State fall 2017

    This is the person I was telling you that was in the evening nursing program that could better answer the schedule question.
  12. Lawson State fall 2017

    I dont mind helping people that actually want my help. I try to help people in areas that where at one point difficult for me where I didn't have anyone to answer my questions or help guide me. Knowledge is power. Too many people from the older gener...
  13. Lawson State fall 2017

    I'm not sure where you work exactly or what paths you cross in your daily routine but what I did was every nurse that I ever came in contact with I asked them questions like what school did they go to how did they like it did they choose day or night...
  14. Lawson State fall 2017

    There are a lot of different fields that you can go in after you graduate... but my advice to you is start networking now so that you can open yourself up to those different opportunities If I'm not mistaken they start out there nurses around 19 buc...
  15. Lawson State fall 2017

    I wont be applying anywhere. I'll be transferring into a nursing role under the same manager I currently have. They'll just adjust my pay to RN pay and change my title to RN. After I get some experience I would like to work in a doctor's office at b...
  16. Lawson State fall 2017

    This is what her response was about the clinicals that I asked about awhile back. Found it in an old post I we were talking in. She still hasn't responded yet about the class schedule. Clinicals is twice a week. I think first semester its just one da...
  17. Lawson State fall 2017

    I can totally relate to how you feel I'm just as excited and I've been researching things nurse related for months. It motivates me too to know that there is an end to this journey. I remember back when I had too many classes to count now I'm almost ...
  18. Lawson State fall 2017

    Ok good im doing the same.
  19. Lawson State fall 2017

    Are you planning on applying to jeff state as well?
  20. Lawson State fall 2017

    I like to read straight through a chapter then go back through and make notes.... I had a coworker tell me when he was in nursing school he read like the first 5 sentences in a paragraph. Someone told him the most important information will be in the...
  21. Lawson State fall 2017

    Which I think it will become more natural to us once we are in the program getting acclimated with nursing.. but i will always have my book with me... 2 nurses told me they recorded the lecture and played them while they were sleep.
  22. Lawson State fall 2017

    Basically read everyday and live and breathe nursing meaning if you got out to eat have your book if you are at a gathering have your book if you're at work have your book basically any down time needs to be dedicated to studying and practice nclex s...
  23. Lawson State fall 2017

    Oh ok im glad I'll be able to take that class... I just took all of my biology classes back to back then ill take the HPS and mth186 class so hopefully I'll be prepared. Where else are planning on applying?
  24. Lawson State fall 2017

    How did the students that you talked to say tge day program was?
  25. Lawson State fall 2017

    Same reason work and my child, although I have great support system it is still better... my job is willing to work with me if I decided to apply for days.. did they say it was 4 days a week for each semester or just the first semester? I hope and pr...