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All Content by chaselynnai

  1. We have to start reading early and I just read one chapter and didn't get a single question right. Is this a sign I'm going to fail nursing school?
  2. Was I accepted into nursing school for being a male

    Not really people usually want to go to state schools that cost 9000 a semester. Private school normally accept people with lower GPA. Because people with higher gpas aren't really applying for private schools. There are exceptions though. Some girl...
  3. Was I accepted into nursing school for being a male

    No I seriously doubt being male got you in, but do you know how many Asians are in your program? Or do you know the percentage of Asians in that program?
  4. My personal opinion organic much harder then general chemistry. I found my self studying for 2 hrs a day with organic just to get an A. And when I was in general Chen all I had to do was review for 20 mins and get an A. With any AMP classes your goin...
  5. UIW BSN Spring 2018 and also you need to know you student ID number. It should of been given to you when you got your acceptance letter from UIW. Not the nursing program. If you need help call the school someone can help...
  6. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    They are due by nov 1st why what's up?
  7. UIW BSN Spring 2018

  8. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I got mine through email.
  9. UIW BSN Spring 2018

  10. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I got my acceptance letter!!!! I'm so shocked I thought I was going to have to wait 2 weeks.
  11. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    Well obviously I cant give y'all the questions but I think my interview lasted for about 10 mins.
  12. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I writing this twice because I didn't tag you but just curios how long your interview lasted. I feel like I rushed mine...
  13. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    Hey just wanted to know how long your interview lasted.
  14. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I also have my interview tomorrow. Good luck to everyone
  15. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I was also thinking its quite odd that they ask us to pay for fingerprinting if we're not even accepted yet.
  16. UTHSCSA 2018 Spring Applicants

    No. I called them to find out where I am on the wait list. They dont tell you what postion your in on the wait list. And she said they will email you if a spot open. Thats about it.
  17. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I'm confused because they told me everyone does an interview. Were you a direct admint? It says online you have to do an interview either way
  18. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    Maybe they are doing interviews for everyone. Does anyone know if we're suppose to call them or email them?
  19. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    I did
  20. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    Just for the future incase someone is looking in on this forum. I have a 3.5 gpa and a 3.6 science gpa. My first TEAS was a 71 and and the second one was an 80. I also got an email today to go in for an interview. Hopefully that goes well
  21. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    You scared me for a sec I was going through my email and all I saw was "I got an email on Friday for a campus visit and my heart dropped...". But hopefully we hear something this week. Kinda scared I miss a piece of paper or something.
  22. UIW BSN Spring 2018

    My exact thoughts lol
  23. UT Health Science - San Antonio Spring 2018

    Oh yea Im sorry I thought you were talking to someone else. My GPA is a 3.5 and my science and math is 3.7. My first TEAS scores is a 71.
  24. UT Health Science - San Antonio Spring 2018

    Maybe we can call and see. I'm going to try and call tomorrow at 9 am. Did you apply to any other school?
  25. UT Health Science - San Antonio Spring 2018

    I got waitlisted to:sorry: