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About silenthunder

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  1. Pharmacology

    For your class all of the above is good. you also need to cater your studying style a little bit to the tests. For pharm many proffs tend to focus on side effects, method of action, and the key things a nurse has to do before and after administering ...
  2. re: failing final practicum at mid-term

    This seems like you have reflected on this. continue to do so. It also sounds like you may not have been prepared for the ER - or at least you may have seemed that way to your preceptor. It sounds like you are being transferred or something so make ...
  3. Failed nursing. Now what?

    First: I want to say that you are very brave and courageous for wanting to continue - and putting a lot of thought into it. These things are very clear to me just from the fact that you would come on here and enquire. it indicates that you are seriou...
  4. Ontario Second-Entry Nursing

    It will probably move a little bit more... I just declined my offer today for Western (was offered York a few days ago...choosing it due to free room/board and more emphasis on community health)