
ChristiHamm8 CNA

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All Content by ChristiHamm8

  1. Take one science at a time or two?

    I will be taking two sciences next semester and a mom friend in my biology class is taking two together right now as well and we are both one of the handful of A students in our class of 70+. I have three kids, she has 4. It is doable if you stay org...
  2. Moms any advice?

    I have three kids, the older two are in school and my youngest we have to put into daycare while I am at class. I did get two degrees online while he was a newborn and I had no family or friends to watch them as well as my husband being military and ...
  3. How far out from applying are you?

    I just found out that if I push really hard, I can apply in Spring for FALL entry into the BSN program! I was expecting to have to wait until the following year. This means I have to take my HESI in early spring and finish 10 classes that are mostly ...
  4. I got paired with the dropout :(

    Is it a character flaw or just really bad luck? I always seem to get paired with someone who does not give a care in the world or has no work ethic. In my biology class, I sit on my own and pay attention and take notes. The whispering and chatting i...
  5. I got paired with the dropout :(

    Thanks for the advice! I had realized that in my CNA course my partner dropped out then too so someone else had to pair up with me and repeat things. I just always seem to get the short end of the stick. I know people don't take school as seriously a...
  6. I feel incomplete

    You aren't alone and you certainly haven't wasted your time. Hindsight is 20/20. Just do the best you can to keep pushing forward!
  7. Nursing and Personality

    I am an INFJ and a Type A personality but a very quiet one. On the big 5 I am very reliable and organized but introverted, calm, and generally even tempered. Which I have to agree with. I am completely undecided what I want to specialize in because I...
  8. What classes are you taking? Fall 2016

    Biology, Psychology, US History and American Government. I am hoping to start A&P and math next semester. I got in so last minute that I was shocked I even got these classes!

    I AM A PRENURSING STUDENT! I was just accepted to my college to start my prerequisites for the prelicensure BSN program. I was accepted Tuesday (the day before first classes), signed up for classes that day and was in Biology, Psychology, and US Hist...
  10. Unconventional hair colors

    I think you could get away with a very nice burgundy all over color. If its not your choice do the pee a boos for a while where its nice and natural on top and then under your hair its a fun oil slick color and just commit to keeping your hair done s...
  11. Tired of being angry

    SO I am not a nurse yet, but I worked at the Department of Families and Children Services (CPS and Foodstamps). You have to remind yourself that they are doing what they know, the best that they can with the knowledge they have at the time, and that ...
  12. College of Coastal Georgia

    Hello all, I am starting the application process to transfer to CCGa to start prerequisites for the pre-licensure BSN program. I was applying to FSCJ but the tuition was outrageous. I had requested information back in March and heard back from the s...
  13. Starting school at older age! :(

    I just turned 30 and am now applying for school to start my prereq's. I feel old but I am still young enough to learn and persevere because I have more life experience. I would have been in no shape to go to nursing school even at 25. Take it for wha...
  14. CCGA BSN Program Question

    Congrats on getting in! I just applied to start the pre-licensure BSN prerequisites and I hope I get accepted. I was worried about my transfer credits affecting my GPA. I currently have two degrees and a 3.16 GPA and only a few of the credits will tr...
  15. Do you overspend on luxury items as a nurse?

    I feel that way a little. We don't have much and are going without a lot of the time but we aren't bad off either. Once I get my first job with any starting pay in this area, I will be making more than my husband does so everything will be extra or p...
  16. Points for FSCJ 2017

    Can I please have the application as well? [email protected]
  17. FSCJ Summer 2017 Hopefuls

    Hi all, I just wanted to drop in. I am starting my prereq's soon. I am waiting to see how much of my previous credits will transfer and I may be able to start in the Summer semester. If all else fails it will be the Fall 2017. I already feel so rushe...