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All Content by itsybitsy

  1. What is with this angry nurse?

    And as I have said, I ALWAYS give a history, whether it be brief or quite extensive - depending on what I feel adequately prepares the nurse to take care of the patient. My problem was mainly the snarky attitude and wanting it right then and there. P...
  2. What is with this angry nurse?

    I agree with you. A format for report should be used such as SBAR. Which I usually run right down the line, but missed in this instance. But my problem wasn't that she interrupted me to get the history, it was the way it was conveyed. I do want to a...
  3. What is with this angry nurse?

    Yea, I don't see how it's relevant unless there is like some PTSD that is affecting his life now. I usually try to answer all questions, over the top or not (if it's possible). Luckily, I don't think we have any nurses that are THAT in-depth with the...
  4. What is with this angry nurse?

    Well I can say you're better than me. I usually just report what was given to me/what changes today. I do look in the chart if I feel like something is missing or the previous nurse wasn't quite sure of something, but I don't tailor anything nurse by...
  5. What is with this angry nurse?

  6. What is with this angry nurse?

    Sorry, I forgot to mention in the OP, I would have given a history eventually, but since it was only PTL, I got a little side-track.
  7. What is with this angry nurse?

    Oh you betcha'! I actually pulled up the chart so she could see if there was cause for the PTL, because she really needed to see for herself at that exact time... And for what it's worth, PTL was what I was given in the report from the shift before m...