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All Content by joleneliddell

  1. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Do you think that they will add more pharm classes for Summer I? I was really hoping to get in to classes asap.. I think I'll be on vaca Summer II
  2. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Nice! Do you have the link for that? I'm not positive where to go to find the book list. Edit: Nevermind, found it! I think I'm going to buy it. Edit: Ohhh holy ** there's a list of 7 books there.. def not going to buy them all.. maybe just the requi...
  3. I can't get "poop" taste out of my mouth?

    @jeastridge Not a nurse. Former CNA, stay at home mom, going to nursing school soon (waiting on my acceptance letter!!) There is a definite smell of death, I've come across it many times. Also that last tarry black bm a hospice patient may have.. unf...
  4. I can't get "poop" taste out of my mouth?

    "However, just because I don't have any experience doesn't preclude me from being allowed to be annoyed. If I were a nurse with 20 yrs experience, everyone on here would probably say 'omg, I know I hate when people do that', instead of smacking me d...
  5. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    I actually did a little research and out of all the mail carriers/ parcel delivery services USPS has the highest rate of misplaced/ undelivered packages. No stats on letters. The letters will be here soon, they will. But hopefully PiYo and my letter...
  6. I just want to be a stay at home mom!

    So, I have not read all of the comments to your question yet.. and I am not trying to diagnose you.. but you do sound a lot like me when I was struggling with post postpartum depression. Do you think that there is a chance that you may be struggling ...
  7. Tested positive for TB 1 step test?

    I had a friend who'd seemingly tested positive for TB and was found negative after a chest x-ray; we were both CNAs working with a high risk population. Basically, they sent her in for a chest x-ray asap and did not allow her to come back to work unt...
  8. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Yes and we'll all be too busy walking and eating to check the mail lol. But hey, at least you guys can trust your mail carrier.. I was supposed to get a package today (containing PiYo - I'm adding it to my T25 routine) and it never came.. but it sur...
  9. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Lol. Waiting for the letter feels like when I was in labor (Dec. 2016), waiting to go into active labor. Random letters from OCC would (then) feel like false labor hehe. Ha maybe if we all go for long walks and eat spicy food the letters will come qu...
  10. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    They'll be here soon, repeat after me: hakuna matata
  11. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. I searched OCC's website and my email- there is nothing stating that there has been a delay in the acceptance letters. Other schools, like Wayne State, make big announcements if/ when their deadlines are not met...
  12. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    @ studentmom10 LOL (insert emoji with milk squirting out of it's nose) they're probably out hand delivering the letters right now. @mar1026 Happy birthday!! The offices are probably used to this by now, everyone calling and trying to pump them for ...
  13. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Let us know what the office says!!
  14. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    @Bluacia46 Oh no, I hope that's not the case If your friend does not get accepted, tell her to apply to Schoolcraft. They have what seemed like a pretty long wait-list, yes, but from what I've hard everyone who applies gets into the program - regar...
  15. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    @ReadyToNurse Hi, thanks!! I hope that's what it is and, if that is the case, we're all in!
  16. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Hi everyone, I'm back!! I've been trying to ignore the date but it's now March 10, 2017.. OCC officially has 5 days to get those letters out! I'm sure that they will release the letters early but they won't let us know that the letters have been rele...
  17. Accidentally told my coworker what I make, BIG ISSUES NOW

    Congrats on your new job!! Honestly you sound like an intelligent, motivated person who made a naive mistake. And like someone who is growing into their sense of self-confidence. My advice is to keep your hours and hold your head up high in confid...
  18. pre reqs

    I'd definitely retake the classes you'd earned a D in, those grades will haunt your record. Are you taking micro, psych, hum, nutrition, and math all at once? Either you're one superhuman or you're taking on too much imo. I've never been comfortable ...
  19. Tattoos?

    Forgot to hit the quote button but responding to: "Is this your first tattoo? You might want to try just one before deciding on an entire sleeve. Outside of that, no one seems to care anymore about tattoos. You will get a lot of shade from coworkers...
  20. Dropping out of nursing school

    You can take a leave, most leave of absence terms are a year. A lot can change in a year. Maybe take a leave and work on getting a cheap second vehicle; work on finding low-cost child care options that you and your boyfriend are comfortable with. Don...
  21. Ice machine use in hospitals

    This info. may help: According to the CDC and HICPAC (2014): Microorganisms may be present in ice, ice-storage chests, and ice-making machines. The two mainsources of microorganisms in ice are the potable water from which it is made and a transferra...
  22. I hate night shift, need some advice :(

    If your original plan was to stick it out for 2 years, give it another year. That way you meet your goal and gain important experience. In the meantime, start looking for another job. Maybe not in NYC, but somewhere that you could commute to with rel...
  23. Am I wrong from refusing to help a friend?

    I feel for you! I've been there. One sided relationships are so frustrating. I don't think that this is something that will just go away. Personally, I would think long and hard before cutting your friend of 10 years off. Is there an alternate solut...
  24. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Awesome!! That's a good idea! HUM is easy, you'll have that done in no time :)
  25. Oakland Community College Students 2017

    Update: I applied to the nursing program today!! Apparently I was the first applicant for the 2017 program :) I thought that my info session attendance may have been expired, but it was not (I'm not even sure if it can expire, I just assumed I would...