
BeenThere2012 ASN, RN

PICU, Pediatrics, Trauma

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About BeenThere2012

BeenThere2012 is a ASN, RN and specializes in PICU, Pediatrics, Trauma.

Began nursing in 1982 as an LVN. Received RN degree in 1995. Most experience is in Pediatrics, PICU and Trauma since 1997. Worked in Ambulatory care in multiple specialties as a float while in Nursing School. I have done some Travel assignments, but prefer being on staff. Although I have enjoyed working in large teaching, medical centers and a few small community hospitals, I am looking to go back to ambulatory settings. I love getting to know patients and their families and seeing them progress in their development and health issues.

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  1. EKG order

    Never heard of this. You didn't cause any
  2. Is nursing burn out really that bad?

    There are so many factors that contribute to burnout. Dissatisfaction with the role, poor work conditions such as understaffing, lack of supplies, hostile coworkers, to name a few. For me, it...
  3. Management Criticism: "We see you care a great deal…"

    OMG! I agree with ALL your points and have had the same experiences over the years and most recently. You said it
  4. Management Criticism: "We see you care a great deal…"

    Yep! Same for me. If someone has the time to look at my orders and specifically asks, "Would it help you if I gave Rm. Blank, their 1600 meds?” That is
  5. Management Criticism: "We see you care a great deal…"

    Same here about getting there "early", which is not that early but works for me. And yes, the NICU is different. But I do prefer when someone asked me if they can do such and such. I can say or no...
  6. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    Or bought off by lobbyists! Sad situation when 2% of the population holds the majority of the wealth. (Don't know the statistics of the latter) Sad to say but those with the most money, have the...
  7. Management Criticism: "We see you care a great deal…"

    In my recent situations asking for help was more difficult as all the other nurses were just as "overwhelmed " as I was, including our supervisor, who BTW, was also taking assignments. Time...
  8. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    I need to add another aspect of the failing system. As Americans we surely are accustomed to better healthcare than many other nations that struggle to have even facilities and supplies, let alone...
  9. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    I haven't read through all the comments yet, but from my perspective as a nurse and as a patient, I have felt our system collapsing for several years as well. I recently retired from an outpt...
  10. Nurses are Fleeing the Hospital

    Yes! We're all told these things and yet it's impossible to do with the demands on us. What should we choose? The safety of our patients or ourselves? How do we protect our licenses from all the...
  11. A bit off topic, but Yes, yes, yes, "intentional understaffing" and "poor conditions" are chronically occurring these days especially since Covid struck. I'm very grateful that I recently retired....
  12. Thankful: 25 Things to be Thankful for as a Nurse

    A beautiful, positive and encouraging post. Thank
  13. Toxic environment? Story time...

    I can hardly believe your charge was that inept? How in the world was she given that role with her obviously incompetent knowledge and horrible attitude. What a nightmare. She is actually...
  14. Burnt Out As A New Nurse

    Ditto! Happened to me as well. Be very, very careful and move on as soon as you
  15. Bait and Switch happened to me and several others hired at the same time. The position was for PICU, but we all worked Peds Med-Surg about 90% of the time. As is the case with most hospital nursing...