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All Content by kaycee

  1. itching?

    Note my title under my cyber name and that explains it all.
  2. When Halloween Costumes Go Bad

    Oh Vegas you beat me to it! Posting 2 minutes apart, ahhh great minds think alike.
  3. When Halloween Costumes Go Bad

    It's not a small world at Disney anymore.
  4. itching?

    Gosh, I never noticed this post was from a year ago. LOL:chuckle
  5. Is this a Great Product ?

    How could he possible guarantee that it isn't harmful if swallowed(which happens a lot in a pool)? Has it been tested by the FDA? Interesting idea but I'd need more info.
  6. Roles

    The role of a ER nurse can be IV team, respiratory therapy, tech, secretary, dietary, housekeeping, social worker, case manager, babysitter, referee, and MD. We are the world!
  7. What smells?? ER!

    Mine too, and where I work the docs don't have the authority to appoint nurse managers or hire or fire any nurses.
  8. What smells?? ER!

    So Carrie is taking hormones. Does she want to be a man? No mention of the firing of nurses. Thought is was a pretty boring ER tonight. yawn
  9. itching?

    Shay it's actually very common after a viral infection to get a rash that sometimes is noticable and sometimes is not and alot of itching. It could just be the end of your illness. If the Benadryl isn't helping try Atarax. It is sometimes more effect...
  10. What smells?? ER!

    Just an observation here. Did any of you catch when Carrie told Carter he had to fire 3 senior nurses she said they would hire 3 new grads to replace them because it was cheaper. Well IMO that is a reality and maybe they will address that. I too ag...
  11. Where I work we all get along well. Black, Irish, German, Italian, Hispanic, Lesbian, Straight, Married, Single, Male, Female, Young and Old, there is a little of everything. As long as everyone does there job, no problem. I haven't noticed any grou...
  12. We don't get the 2 15min breaks you all keep talking about. We try to take small ones if we get a chance but that's rare. If I don't get my lunch I fill out a paper and get paid for it.
  13. TV & Nursing

    Tom, the show with the 2 dufus medics and nurse Dixie McCall was called Emergency. Inventive title huh. I watched Presidio Med and the other show on at the same time called MD's. Both suck IMHO.
  14. Conscious Sedation Recoveries

    Yes on off shifts and weekends we would get the pt back to watch and discharge. They would never call recovery for conscious sedation. We watch and monitor them for an hr and discharge them. We do concious sedation all the time in the ER, so it's us...
  15. OK set me straight ...PLEASE!

    Stress is a major factor in hypokalemia. You will notice that folks who come into the ER who are extremely anxious and hyperventilating and usually tachycardic as well, will have a low K. I don't know what else your pt's presented with, you said th...
  16. We make SO much $$$

    Bus drivers around here start at about $20/hr. Need I say more.
  17. I disagree here. We have had many an MI come into the ER with minimal or no EKG changes and the first set of enzymes neg, including the troponin. We base the adm on the whole picture. If the pt is stable and pain free and has no family hx and everyth...
  18. TV & Nursing

    and do you ever notice nobody ever has any paper work on tv. They carry the charts around but nobody ever writes in them.
  19. ER training

    Our nursing programs in the US are either 2yrs for a diploma, or an associated degree in nursing or 4yrs for a bachelors degree. When you graduate from any of these program you must take state boards and pass them to become a registered nurse. You ma...
  20. ER training

    Not exactly sure what you mean by ER training? Maybe if you explain it a little more. We have orientation periods that vary from hospital to hospital. They usually last 6-8 weeks. They teach a basic critical care course usally. Most hospitals also...
  21. Nursing Hx:Share Oldtime Ineffective tx's?

    Also do you all remember the cardiac monitors that were small circles and only one or two QRS's could fit across at one time.
  22. Nursing Hx:Share Oldtime Ineffective tx's?

    Still use Dakins for cleaning maggots out of wounds in the ER. Works on roaches too.
  23. Nursing is excellent job

    Sounds like you will be a very good nurse Ally. Welcome and good luck inschool.
  24. what can you say

    Same everywhere Tom. I get the same cringe. How about change in mental status in a normally confused pt. Minimum information on transfer sheet. You have to stop and call and the nurse who sent the pt. has never taken care of them before and doesn't ...
  25. Tech's in the ER

    :rotfl: :imbar p.s. we don't have time to be foolin around on line either!!