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About salasv22

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  1. UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    To sum it up, I've heard professors/admin staff seem to not care about student success. This is a copy & paste of part of a comment I read on another thread from a student who attends the program...
  2. UTHSCSA Fall 2018

    Hello :) I have also been accepted! I'm excited, but also nervous as I have heard some "iffy" stuff about this program and I'm afraid of wasting time and money here. Anyone else in the same boat as...
  3. Baylor Nursing School

    Hi GirlyNurse19, congrats on the acceptance! I'm actually interested in attending Baylor's nursing program. Is there any way you can give me any advice on your admission process? Please let me know, I...
  4. Baylor Nursing School

    Hi MelyndaOlguin, congrats on the acceptance! I'm actually interested in attending Baylor's nursing program. Is there any way you can give me any advice on your admission process? Please let me know,...