Feelgood RN

Feelgood RN

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All Content by Feelgood RN

  1. 50 years!

    Very nice! Grats on making it so long in a profession that can burn you down to ash. I'll save this and look back later and see how I'm doing.
  2. School Shootings

    People in the UK should worry about their own cultural problems. If you're not afraid for your children and women then I feel sorry for them. Just because you want or are willing to carry a gun doesn't mean you live in fear. It's just like putting y...
  3. School Shootings

    Until you can show the people of the United States that they are safe there will be no "ban" on guns. As has been stated many times the culture of America is based around our right to protect ourselves. If you say no the the wall and want to ban guns...
  4. Any Mormon/LDS nurses here? I need help?

    I haven't been on this site for a while. This 9 page post is enlightening me as to why I stopped coming as often as I used to. Apparently the reading comprehension of many people on this site is in the gutter. I mean, we didn't have to pass a lot of ...
  5. 100 mile commute. Worth it?

    Are the offers mutually exclusive? Why not both? My job is a 45mile 50minute travel 5days a week. I love it. I have time in the morning to go through what I need to get done for the day. My drive home is where I drop off all the crap accumulated for ...
  6. Nurses don't do their 3 med checks?

    I'm going to admit I usually only get through MAYBE the first page of comments before I post something. Most people feel learning is what people show you and teach you through verbal, written, or visual means. When I was in school and shadowing nurs...
  7. The Men in OB Debate: Help!

    I'm not reading any of the previous replies and am going with my first impressions. Those people complaining about you being a male and "harming" OB patients are probably snowflakes. In my OB rotation, which was also great, the women didn't give two ...
  8. June 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    HELP! I'm stuck! The last thing I remember is my pediatrician prescribing me Valium.
  9. Gender Pay Gap in Nursing: 2017 Salary Survey vs. 2015?

    While the post shows traditional gender roles in a workplace environment it is not sexist. He is not getting paid more BECAUSE HE'S A MAN. He gets paid more because his job duties entail more dangerous work than the other staff. If there were a 6'1" ...
  10. Gender Pay Gap in Nursing: 2017 Salary Survey vs. 2015?

    This is based on a SALARY SURVEY...which is total take home. So if a man were the full time and a woman the part time, and they both had the same exact pay, it would seem as if the pay disparity were almost 100% more for men(if PT were 20hr and FT 40...
  11. EVP for 12hr shifts

    So this might now be what you're thinking. Nurses I manage work 12hr shifts. This isn't a thread to support or defend it, I need EVP that shows nurses that working too many 12hr shifts is a terrible idea. I just had my night shift nurses request to w...
  12. New RN, leaving after 6 months unprofessional?

    Not all units that need travelers are unstaffed due to no teamwork. The nurses I work with are excellent, the reason we are not fully staffed is because we're an hour to 2 hours from any fully functioning towns. Travelers are the EASIEST to get rid o...
  13. Our ED Nurse Manager interviews on the same panel as the Outpatient and Inpatient nurse managers. There is no arrhythmia test, I guess it would depend on what acuity your ED is that you're interviewing at. At the end of the day it is a nursing inter...
  14. Which job should I take?

    I agree with coffeetalker. Also it seems like you've already decided and want permission to tell the first offer off. Until paperwork is signed I'd say it's not accepted, their HR department doesn't see it as an officially extended job offer until pa...
  15. Feeling Bad Looking for Another Job

    Don't feel bad. Like others have stated, they probably wouldn't feel bad if they let you go, unless you're in with some of the management. The hospital I'm at now has basically taken the whole ED staff of another hospital because they refused to give...
  16. New RN, leaving after 6 months unprofessional?

    Lol! I think after all these replies and nothing from the OP it's safe to say that they chose the VACATION!
  17. Don't do the physicians work!

    God I hope I'm never on your floor.
  18. April 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Now I'm definitely going to have to check your lung sounds. They didn't check for asbestos up there.
  19. Don't do the physicians work!

    I became the nursing manager on the inpatient unit a few months ago. the first order of action I brought up to our hospitalist team was that if they were in the building that they needed to place their own orders. I informed the nursing staff that th...
  20. Do you think nurses get special treatment?

    I think there is an overarching sense of professional courtesy between fire, police, emt, and medical staff. We all work in similar venues and have our place in taking care of the community. That being said there is no doubt that being in scrubs help...
  21. My hair is dyed.. Job interview

    I've done a few interviews and whether you like it or not it can affect some peoples thoughts. We do a panel interview so while I personally don't mind "radical" hair color some of the more seasoned administration does. I will say that if it looks f...
  22. Do you remove ticks?

    I'm not a school nurse, but I like reading your stories! I don't know if this is part of your protocol or not as I hadn't read anything in the comments about it but I think it would be prudent to inform parents of the possibility of known diseases th...
  23. Unsupported at home.

    Whether you work 8 or 12 hours, 3 or 7 days a week when your spouse gets home or you come home the first think you don't want to hear is "WHY IS THAT BIN ON THE COUNTER!". Seriously. Take some time. If you don't have kids...you have time...MAKE IT. T...
  24. Nursing Arrogance

    It hurt the sensitivities of some visitors to the page as they didn't find the humor to be "nursing appropriate"...or something. Political correctness FTW!
  25. Do women find male nurses attractive?

    I think you've been quite remiss with this comment. I have never had a patient that didn't want to be "nursed" by me. I've had several patients state that they like to have male nurses because we're nicer. I always tell them I'm not as attractive as ...