Feelgood RN

Feelgood RN

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All Content by Feelgood RN

  1. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    Probably a reason many religions believe in being born again! ?? Although, they don't say you have to change!
  2. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Wish I lived in West Virginia. I literally told someone the other day I'd get the vaccine if they gave me a Desert Eagle .50. Guess we'll see how far that goes! ?
  3. Florence Didn't Fake It

    Some of my best learning experiences I had as a new nurse were when I'd see some patients orders and be like "Crap, I forgot ALL the steps on how to do this." Feeling in adequate and not wanting to screw it up. Eventually Asking a co-worker our polic...
  4. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    LOL, if you can't tell that I can obviously see the nonsense, then you're blind. I can also see and understand how people get to believing that "nonsense". I can and have heard all the nonsense and have come to my own conclusions on the nonsense. ...
  5. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    My point, as it apparently wasn't clear enough, is that information can easily be wrong. One way or another. Someone's fault or not. It can be manipulated, controlled, or just fraudulent. It should be easy to see how people can think the data, with a...
  6. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Now we have basically a whole page where we look stupid because of a copy pasta mistake. Should all that be deleted because of its stupididty and "uselessness"? This is a simple and easy to see example of how easily data can be erroneous and in ...
  7. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Sorry if it wasn't clear. I was saying, how does the US have more deaths than the deaths of the the world wide population...not more deaths than the number of people on the Earth...?
  8. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    You see how easily "misinformation" is spread by intelligent people?
  9. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Thank you. That makes more sense, I finally went to the link. Also, the US cases are 33,000,000 ish, not just 3million.
  10. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    You just posted the exact same thing, and it still looks ridiculous. I know how many people live in the US. John Hopkins Univ. Covid-19 dashboard Worldwide stats 6/11/21 @ 1045 AM: Cases: 174,940,496 Deaths: 3,775,180 U.S. s...
  11. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Then, maybe don't indulge them? I've seen many posts on here I'd consider downright stupid from people that claim to be nurses. I don't engage them because I know from experience, which you apparently haven't gained from this or any other interaction...
  12. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Maybe you can ask John Hopkins how this works? How does the US have more deaths than the total world population? How do we have more deaths than total cases? This looks like an error, possibly, misinformation.
  13. Florence Didn't Fake It

    I've heard this term pretty often. I feel like it's usually use to help nurses get out of their own head. We are the nurse, we care for our whole patient, but sometimes we get a patient/patients that have diseases/procedures/medications that we're no...
  14. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    Maybe they are trolling. Maybe not. If another point of view adds nothing of value to the conversation, then you are a part of the larger problem this country is having. For some reason we've lost the ability to fathom that others can have a differen...
  15. COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives

    My body, my choice. That's the new thing right. It's nobodies business if get the vaccine or not. I don't go around with my childhood immunization/flu vaccination record expecting to get put into a lottery. If a "normal" version of the vac...
  16. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    You sound like a dream to work with. ?
  17. I don't know why you can't apply and see what happens. As part of the interview process you can ask if it would be possible to do per diem as a bedside nurse, or have it worked into your informatics hours. Just because you apply and get an interview ...
  18. Next career upgrade

    I know I've wanted to go back to school for a while now. The only issue I've been having is whether to to back for my NP or to get my Masters in Informatics. Currently my job is as a nurse informatic working at our hospital. I was interested and am ...
  19. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    I've been in both. From experience I can tell you that it is NOT administrations fantasies about your documentation, it's insurance/CMS. Administration only pushes what those entities require to pass inspections or for billing purposes. If they could...
  20. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    It's all good and I wish you the best of luck! There are some great responses on here of how to deal with the situation professionally. Some people don't consider what nurses are doing while trying to fulfil their role in the hospital. Even nurses th...
  21. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    LOL, I agree and definitely didn't suggest that, but I might have if it was a more spicey tale of unprofessionalism ? My problem with most of these posts is they obviously leave out major parts of the issue either on purpose (to make themselves ...
  22. What’s a Crusty Old Bat?

    We all know that those cat people are already crazy ??
  23. Unprofessional Clinical Educator.. What would you do?

    I was expecting something better. I guess I got my hopes up. Was coming in thinking it was going to be some king of 50 Shades of Gray type stuff...but nothing so interesting. Is this unprofessional, maybe. Is it annoying, obviously to you it is,...
  24. What’s a Crusty Old Bat?

    I came back on here after being away for a while. Saw some posts I made from like, 2018 that had reactions. Started looking in the "What's New" category. Same posts from 2018...people still arguing over the same crap. Probably why I left. Not many ne...
  25. I think it's funny your title says "for no good reason" and then you go on to list a few good reasons that they quit. Bullying, high patient ratios, not challenging, not wanting to work night shift. The main one being THEY SETTLED for that job. If at...