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All Content by quazar

  1. New Grad BSN

    Raleigh/Durham has an excellent market for new grads. If you look on the Duke, UNC, and Wake Med websites, look at new grad job postings and their new graduate programs and you'll see.
  2. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    I wish I could "like" this post more than once. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for saying it so well, so thoroughly, so eloquently, so perfectly. Thank you. You are so on the mark.
  3. Have you been through an Epic Go Live?

    I've never been through a go live, mercifully. I am an EPIC user, though, and I will say that it makes a HUGE difference in how well it goes over depending on who is doing the teaching and who is doing the learning. E.g., someone who is very comput...
  4. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Sooooooooooooooo.........you DON'T have a study with facts and figures. Got it. Yet you're still being nasty. Yep, we're done. Flounce away. I wish you the best of luck. We are most definitely done here.
  5. I hate that everyone knows I speak Spanish !

    I love language/linguistic nerds. I'll take that correction to heart, thank you.
  6. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Pro-student, you keep claiming we are ignorant, have false assumptions, are demanding to see data, etc. etc., so I would counter thusly: do you have a peer reviewed, actual scientific study that shows data on the clinical judgment of APRNs with prio...
  7. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Yes, when I was a younger nurse it really rubbed me raw to hear that I didn't know what I didn't know. I thought I knew a lot more than people gave me credit for. I have the benefit of experience now (20 years) and can reflect honestly back on thos...
  8. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Lovely. Glad you'll be practicing responsibly. Experience matters.Edited to add: The study you reference discusses the feelings of the NPs questioned and how they felt their transition from RN to NP went. It does not address how safely they pract...
  9. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Loaded question, but okay. Of course most reasonable people would allow the doctor to assist if s/he was the ONLY ONE THERE. However, most REASONABLE PEOPLE also want someone with experience and who knows what the heck they're doing taking care of ...
  10. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    Yes. It was very, very scary. It was a small community hospital, too, so we didn't have the luxury of things like in house attendings or residents, etc.. She was such a kind soul, and thank goodness she wasn't arrogant or rude and she really LISTE...
  11. Nursing students who want to be NP's

    I agree. I had to work with a midwife who went to midwifery school with literally ZERO L&D experience and zero maternal child experience other than what she had in nursing school. She'd had approximately 1 year at the bedside out of nursing sch...
  12. I hate that everyone knows I speak Spanish !

    Yep yep yep. It's a legal/safety thing. I have worked with enough spanish speaking patients for so long that I have picked up plenty. I get by pretty well on my own, but still use an interpreter for the big stuff like consent, or if I flat out don...
  13. Would you call an ambulance?

    Well, this thread is just another thing to add to the long list of "reasons I am a super neurotic autism mom." First of all, bless you, I would not have wanted 911 called either, you were right and the principal overreacted. Second, those poor pare...
  14. How do I become a mother baby or ob/gyn nurse

    Honestly with your background you could get hired pretty easily in a larger hospital that is used to training new grads and/or new to OB nurses. You have a great foundation and if I were a nurse manager I'd snap you up. Just apply for the job(s) yo...
  15. Difficult Manager making it difficult to change jobs

    This is actually a really good idea. Keep it on hand if you can't get around the retaliatory nurse manager for some reason.
  16. Difficult Manager making it difficult to change jobs

    Myself and a few former coworkers had a problem with a (now former) manager who gave bad references when nurses tried to leave. Unit morale was horrible, and there were other very serious problems going on, and nurses were leaving left and right. T...
  17. Don't do the physicians work!

    Truer words never spoken, and I have absolutely left units for this exact reason.
  18. Med Surg vs OB? Want to be an FNP

    Unless you want to become a Women's Health NP, CNM, or a FNP that works in an OB/GYN practice, I would personally stick with med surg. I say this as an L&D nurse. L&D is very highly specialized, and does not cover the broad scope of practic...
  19. Any nurses with severe clausterphobia?

    You poor thing. My claustrophobia has morphed into a fear of water as well, because water on my face or around my head = trapped = suffocation. You can imagine how this makes life uncomfortable (understatement). I finally have reached the point wh...
  20. I have had some what I thought was soft tissue inflammation in a part of my body (won't specify where, as I have mentioned the pain at work and don't want to identify myself) for the better part of a year now. I tried to manage it myself with ice, ...
  21. Any nurses with severe clausterphobia?

    I have moderate claustrophobia, but elevators don't bother me. Things on my face do (masks), but at work my adrenaline is usually pumping pretty hard if I'm having to go to the OR (the only place I wear a mask usually) so my claustrophobia doesn't b...
  22. Apparently, bedside nursing is ruining my body.

    Was she able to get into case management without having the certification that many CM jobs require/ask for?
  23. School nurse spots leukemia in a pupil

    Yeah, that's what I am picturing. Why is that a sign of leukemia?
  24. Is it worth paying for RN resume?

    Goodness, no. There are templates all over the internet. Thousands of them, literally, for free. Resumes, cover letters, cheat sheets on how to dress for an interview and how to answer interview questions. Heck there's even our wonderful Nursing ...
  25. Blindsided by a colleague.

    If this happens, someone please make an announcement on the main page so I can get here and watch it live. Thanks. OP, I'd be taking this person to task and asking her what the fresh heck was running through her head when she decided to send such...