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All Content by NotYourMamasRN

  1. What's In A Name Badge?

    I worked hard for my degree and don't give a rat's a** what anyone thinks if I decide to put it after my name on anything. When they start repaying my student loan debt, I will start caring about their opinions.
  2. New nurse. What do I need?

    A Bible, rosary, and holy water.
  3. Where are all the "older" nurses?

    They are all in a wheelchair, c-collar, knee immobilizer, and taking 10 Ativan a day after dealing with the physical and emotional stresses of nursing.
  4. Trauma Room MEds

    I worked Level 2 ER and we had the same, but our ER was huge and we had a Pyxis right outside the two trauma bays. However, many times a medication that was needed was in another Pyxis, across the ER.
  5. When your ex or their mistress/lover is the patient?

    I had to change an assignment for one of my nurses once for exactly this situation. The nurse got so worked up seeing the other woman that they had a panic attack and had to go to the ER. The situation, from my understanding, was pretty rough and inv...
  6. Does the same rules apply to doctors

    Also, most of the ER docs I have worked with were not employees of the hospital. They were employees of an ER physician conglomerate and they were contracted with the hospital.
  7. Does the same rules apply to doctors

    Many of the ER docs I have worked with did not have ACLS or BLS. Some did have it and actually worked with the education department for mock codes and employee training. One of my ER docs in VA said neither is required for an MD so they did not carry...
  8. Quitting job during orientation?

    I have never quit during orientation, but in every orientation I have done we were all told that the company was looking for the right fit for them and if we doubted our decision and decided this was not right for us, orientation was the time to talk...
  9. Why Do Nurses Quit?

    I think nurses quit because at some point they realize their personal quality of life is more important. Nursing affects your whole life, your health, your well being, hell it even affects your family. At some point, you have to put yourself and thos...
  10. prescription drug addiction

    This is such a hard topic. I see everyone's points. Some days I hate narcotics and what I have to deal with because of them at work. But other days I hate narcotics because some of my patients desperately need them and the doc won't give them. It is ...
  11. I hate my job!

    I have considered basket weaving in Costa Rica.... My point being quality of life is more important to me than my pay check. It is a hard decision to make, I made one VERY similar to what you are considering when I got out of ER and ICU. Now I am jus...
  12. Gun Owning Nurses

    I am a nurse, gun owner, military Vet, and..... oh no.... a Liberal. I guess I am just not a liberal who has lived under a rock their whole life. My eyes are also stuck in the back of my head.
  13. A muzzle, because he is probably a pain in the butt.
  14. What keeps you going as a nurse?

    Constant Denial.
  15. So what's going to happen to health care now?

    We are all gonna die!
  16. Dr. told patient, "Nurses are STUPID".

    You should ask the PA if he is a PA because he couldn't cut it in Med school.
  17. Upset with delegation

    This has been standard practice in all the hospitals I have worked in. I feel like it keeps me humble when I do their job, because sometimes I think I forget how back breaking tech work is. In a way, though their job is physically hard, I enjoy a bre...
  18. Terminated

    I don't really understand what happened. But I definitely can say that I saw a lot of shady employment practices in LTC/SNF.
  19. Being Ordered to Give Whiskey

    I don't know which I would prefer, all my patients drunk or all my patients on CIWA. I guess it depends on how angry they are.
  20. Need a BSN for what again?

    I wanted to reply but I think I might be here typing for a few hours if I do, so I am just going to leave it at, "What everyone else said".

    I love Danskos. I have had the same two pairs for years and they look brand new and feel brand new.
  22. Coffee marketed to nurses. Would you buy it?

    Yes, there is no type of coffee I wouldn't buy and try.
  23. We are human too

    I never had relationships like this with patients, but during the short amount of time I worked in LTC I did see many of the staff have relationships like this with the patients. It was actually encouraged and mirrored by administration. It was a fam...
  24. Whatever happened to going to school to be a nurse?

    I think everyone should follow the path that suits them. Someone pursuing an advanced degree and not being interested in bedside nursing is just as entitled to do what they wish as someone who wants to be at the bedside. Healthcare has changed dramat...
  25. Whatever happened to going to school to be a nurse?
