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All Content by HedgieMama

  1. Volunteer experience / Job experience

    Your resume for nursing school will be more attractive if you have medical volunteer experience.
  2. Volunteer experience / Job experience

    I think being an EMT is totally sufficient for work/volunteer experience for both applying to school and getting a job afterwards. I don't think being a CNA is necessary. I got accepted into the BSN programs at UW, SPU, and SU with 60hrs of volunteer...
  3. C in anatomy :/

    I would say for the most part, nursing programs DO care a lot about volunteer/work experience. Every BSN program in my state takes experience very seriously along with grades. OP- I certainly wouldn't dump your volunteering unless you know for sure t...
  4. Few Questions.

    Yep! Good ole' upper left hand corner.
  5. Associates or Bach.

    Might as well just go all the way now and get the BSN! That way you can be done with school when you graduate and be a better candidate for specialty units (NICU/ICU/ED etc) and magnet hospitals right out of the gate when you graduate. I just turned ...
  6. Few Questions.

    1) It doesn't matter that you were lazy in high school as long as you are determined and motivated to complete your pre-reqs with high grades now. HS grades really only matter when getting into college, then once you're in they don't really matter ag...
  7. Stethoscope

    If you will be using this stethoscope around patients I would say no. The tubing is slick and would not hold the paint well, leaving toxic black paint on your fingers and other places it rubs against. Yellow is fun- you should just try and rock it! :...
  8. Advice on Washington state job market

    I grew up in Spokane and LOVED it! Great weather and great cost of living. It's very family/neighborhood oriented and although it's not a huge city- it has pretty much all of the things a city has to offer. Check out Riverfront Park when you visit! A...
  9. Advice on Washington state job market

    jgardner- Sacred Heart has about 100 RN openings right now so I don't think getting a job there will be too hard. (I have worked there and liked it- everyone is pretty nice and there's a good team environment.) As far as NICU goes, it's a beautiful n...
  10. Prerequisites

    I think it totally depends on your school, but at my college (like jgardner's) Nutrition was the easiest class I took. As far as your course load goes- that will need to be a personal decision based on you and your work/school/family/social habits. ...
  11. Motivation/Studying tips/How to raise a low GPA

    I would give all the love and attention you have to these pre-nursing specific classes. Unfortunately with your GPA now there's most likely no chance you could get into a BSN program... but you may be able to turn it around and shine with these few n...
  12. Advice for a pre Nursing student?!

    I think both sound like good options and I agree with Gere. For option 2 are you wanting to finish with UW Seattle's BSN program? Because oh my goodness, it is extremely hard to get in to. I was just accepted into the program as one of 92 students ou...
  13. Nursing school help

    Do you have any clinical work/volunteer experience? I know of some schools in the Pacific NW that will take a more "holistic" approach to evaluating RN/BSN applicants. There is a small chance that if you have excellent nursing-related experience they...
  14. Second time around!!! Help!!!

    I earned 4.0s in all three quarters of my A and P courses. It's mostly just a LOT of memorization. However, if you are a visual kinesthetic learner, a fun way to get your feet wet is to get an A and P coloring book. Here's the link to a great one: Th...
  15. University of Washington BSN 2016

    I emailed the general SPU admissions dept but am sending my nursing program declination letter today. So maybe the SPU admissions dept doesn't communicate directly with the nursing program? I'm pretty sure at least two people on this thread are decli...
  16. University of Washington BSN 2016

    Uh-oh! Try just searching "UW BSN Cohort" first and the group should appear in the drop-down menu. The group has 15+ people now so I think it's working correctly.
  17. University of Washington BSN 2016

    "UW BSN Cohort - Class of 2018" on Facebook! Hopefully we can gather a few students and word will spread!
  18. University of Washington BSN 2016

    If you will be joining the BSN cohort at UW this Fall, feel free to join the new Facebook group! UW BSN Cohort - Class of 2018 :)
  19. University of Washington BSN 2016

    Yes, we should start a Facebook page if there isn't one already!
  20. University of Washington BSN 2016

    Daisey I got into SU, SPU, and UW as well. I was considering choosing SPU over UW because of the small class sizes and extra clinical time offered, but decided to choose UW for financial reasons. My husband also attends UW. I don't think SU would be ...
  21. University of Washington BSN 2016

    Monica I got into UW so you're one spot closer on the SPU transfer wait list! I'm sure you'll get in!!
  22. Seattle Pacific University BSN 2016

    Thank you Monica! Wow, you have tons of experience hours! I have a pretty random, wide variety of experience. I have been a patient transporter, an inpatient physician Epic (EMR) tutor, an A & P TA at Eastern Washington University, and I currentl...
  23. Seattle Pacific University BSN 2016

    Monica, I got an acceptance letter from SU today but will be deferring to choose between SPU or UW. So hopefully you're high on the wait list and will get my spot!! Sarandipity- SU's acceptance letter came in a large white envelope. :)
  24. University of Washington BSN 2016

    I received an email to set up a UW net ID a couple days ago, is that supposed to mean something? I've heard from SPU but not SU or UW yet... The wait is killer!!
  25. Seattle Pacific University BSN 2016

    Yes! I got my (transfer student) acceptance letter today!! I live in Shoreline, so pretty close to Seattle as far as mail delivery is concerned. Good luck everyone! P.s. I heard for SPU there are two wait lists- one for transfer students and one fo...