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About delaformosa

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  1. UCLA MECN 2016

    I saw a few posts ago about an epidemiology course through UCB extension. Would it be possible for someone to let me know the course title just so I know I'm looking at the right one? Thank you!
  2. Samuel Merritt ELMSN, FNP program, Fall 2016 Oakland

    Should the FB group be a combined CM & FNP one? I can make it! "Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Oakland 2019" Or should it be 2016?
  3. UC Davis MEPN

    I got accepted to the program too :) However, I'm leaning towards Samuel Merritt's ELMSN or UCLA's MECN program right now. So if you're on the waitlist, there may be a spot for you!
  4. Samuel Merritt ELMSN, FNP program, Fall 2016 Oakland

    I'm having trouble deciding whether to go forward with the FNP program since I received admissions elsewhere. Does anyone know which hospitals and clinics students have their clinicals at or know the kind of employment opportunities FNP graduates hav...
  5. Samuel Merritt ELMSN, FNP program, Fall 2016 Oakland

    @KO_1219 I'm not sure if you're still looking for an answer, but admitted students have 10 days to submit the $350 deposit.