


All Content by wendyevans9876

  1. Anxiety for upcoming NCLEX

    Good luck SolsticeRN......I'm also doing UWorld now and my scores are lower than yours. Total average so far 57%... did you do all the 1797 questions on the UWorld Qbank?
  2. Anxiety for upcoming NCLEX

    I think everyone feels that way after the NCLEX exam. Anyway, I"m hoping you passed. I'm doing U World now and my scores are lower than yours with a total average 57%....Did you finish the entire 1790 questions?
  3. Passed Nclex 1st Attempt Thanks To U-World & La Charity PDA

    Congratulations! I'm also using LaCharity and UWorld now. I've only done 700 UWorld problems and so far my average is only 57%. It's so difficult to get the percentages up.....Although I type up notes for literally ALL the rationales and memorize t...